For the past three days, I have been looking for my one and only miniature decorated Christmas Tree... I am going to have to start looking in places where it shouldn't be. I have looked in all of the places it should be... Not there. Or there. Or there...
So, I am on to other things whilst waiting for it to come to me, where I put it...
I moved Daisy's cottage back to the living room. For the time being, I am not going to try to finish it. I am just going to do a bit of mini Christmas decorating on a few of the buildings and tell the gang that they can have their Christmas party in the cat tree... They like the entertainment there. I am getting very tired of Harry Potter #1 over and over though. I wonder how they would like a little Alfred Hitchcock? I have a lot of his old movies on a DVD that I bought years ago... Not really very Christmas like though.
I am doing pretty good with Daisy's library. It is all furnished now. You can see through to the observatory and the telescope.
No, I haven't finished the kitchen yet... I promise I will. Maybe just after Christmas....
This is Walter's golfing Santa. He's not a mini. Much larger, but still cute. He comes out for a round or two every year. Note the hole in the snow in front of him. He is just like Walter. He will golf in any kind of weather.
I added some ice trees to Tessie's Hideaway...
They change from red to green to blue. Over and over. I think that I need to add a bit of snow here and there on this one too...
I need more tiny trees for here and there. Those are another thing that is missing. I have a bunch of those somewhere. I know that I didn't throw them away! Back to the search!
See you tomorrow.
Everything is looking very nice, Casey! Love Walter's Santa!
Hello Casey,
Daisy's cottage and Tessie's hideaway are just wonderful. I can't tell you how much I love your artwork. I am always enchanted by the story and the incredible workmanship.
Big hug
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