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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

I Still Haven't Found the Tree!

For the past three days, I have been looking for my one and only miniature decorated Christmas Tree... I am going to have to start looking in places where it shouldn't be.  I have looked in all of the places it should be... Not there.  Or there.  Or there...

So, I am on to other things whilst waiting for it to come to me, where I put it...

I moved Daisy's cottage back to the living room.  For the time being, I am not going to try to finish it. I am just going to do a bit of mini Christmas decorating on a few of the buildings and tell the gang that they can have their Christmas party in the cat tree... They like the entertainment there. I am getting very tired of Harry Potter #1 over and over though.  I wonder how they would like a little Alfred Hitchcock?  I have a lot of his old movies on a DVD that I bought years ago... Not really very Christmas like though.

I am doing pretty good with Daisy's library.  It is all furnished now. You can see through to the observatory and the telescope. 

No, I haven't finished the kitchen yet... I promise I will.  Maybe just after Christmas....

This is Walter's golfing Santa.  He's not a mini.  Much larger, but still cute. He comes out for a round or two every year.  Note the hole in the snow in front of him.  He is just like Walter.  He will golf in any kind of weather.

I added some ice trees to Tessie's Hideaway...

They change from red to green to blue.  Over and over.  I think that I need to add a bit of snow here and there on this one too...

I need more tiny trees for here and there.  Those are another thing that is missing.  I have a bunch of those somewhere.  I know that I didn't throw them away! Back to the search!

See you tomorrow.


Lucille said...

Everything is looking very nice, Casey! Love Walter's Santa!

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
Daisy's cottage and Tessie's hideaway are just wonderful. I can't tell you how much I love your artwork. I am always enchanted by the story and the incredible workmanship.
Big hug