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Friday, February 22, 2019

In The Mood...But Not for Snow!!!!!!!

No Minis or even room cleaning today!

We Have SNOW!!!

This is about the most snow that we have ever had here and it is scary!!!!

The left side of the back yard about two hours ago.  It was having a hard time covering the area out by the pomegranate tree.  That now looks like the other side of the yard.  Covered!!!

This is the right side... No need for two photos. This is what the other side looks like too, now.

We are staying inside where it is warm for the rest of the day.

I can't work in the workroom. It is tooooo cold!!!!

Even the birds are doing the "Oh! Poor Me!" thing.  There are several on the patio right now. 

I put their bird blocks and some scattered food on the edge.  They aren't any more used to this kind of weather than we are.  Poor Birdies.

I am going back to the bedroom and pull the covers up over my head until this passes! No fun is being had here at all. 

As soon as it lets up, I will tell you what I have been up to!

See you then!


Giac said...

Hello Casey,
I do hope there will not be any damage to your wonderful garden. The weather seems to be going nuts as of late.
Big hug

JDayMinis said...

What a shocker that must have been!! We had snow for a few days here in Victoria B.C and we rarely get it too.
Mini Hugs, Jean