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Monday, March 12, 2018

The Tiny Tyrant Strikes Again!!!

I had a Doctor's appointment today. Everything is fine! I got a clean bill of health. When we got home, I found Tessie gathering the troops.

First I found her recruiting Spike.  He was resisting with all his might.  He is pretty much on my side, since I am the one that feeds him...
 Then I saw that she had moved on to Zar's trailer. By that time she was handing out wicked looking weapons... That thing has a very  sharp edge and a hook on the end for grabbing things.

I am staying out of her way.
The next one that she approached was Kota.  He came close to biting her head off.  Luckily, she is faster than he is...
For a while, she decided to sit on the back of the chair and tell me where to put things... I came close to biting her head off too.... but again she was too fast.

I gave up and came in here to write the blog.....

She followed me in and started scribbling on a sticky note...

You don't want to see the other side of said note...

In the tiniest print that she is capable of, she has a list of 103 things that she wants done.

It not only has things to be done in the workroom.  She also included cleaning the refrigerator and both of the hall closets.  And then she went on and added the shelves in the garage, the back porch and the unfinished minis that she wants finished...

I do believe that it will take me about five years to get it all done... I guess I had better get started tomorrow.

See you then!!!


Giac said...

Hello Casey,
Glad all is well on the health side. Living with Tessie it is a miracle you have not gone bananas yet.
Big hug

Isabel Ruiz said...

Me encanta Tessie. Cuando quiera , puede venir a mi casa y le dejo hacer todo lo que quiera.

Caseymini said...

Isabel, I have to stay here until everything is done. If I went anywhere Tessie would never let me back in the house!