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Saturday, February 3, 2018

Not Enough Time....

I do believe that, if there were enough time, I would have these all finished by now.

I started putting things away where they belong and was not a happy camper.

This photo is just of the natural cabochons that I have purchased at the gem show over the years... I have finished pieces and I do wear a lot of them, but.... They are multiplying as we speak!
 This bunch are resin cabochons that I made a few years ago... As you can see, I am just as bad about these.  The two bottom center pieces are the only ones that I am working on in this box...
I have no excuse where beads are concerned.  This is just the stash that I have bought at the gem show in the past two years... I think that I have more than enough beads to finish the pieces that I need to...

I just need to start doing it!
Those of you  that follow me for the minis are going to be pouting. I have decided that I want to finish some of these pieces. 

Here are four that are started. It really wouldn't take that long to finish these.  I just have to sit down and do it.

I am going to do some of both in the next year or two, but I am not going to do nothing but minis all the time.  From now on, I am going to do some beadwork here and there... Maybe sometimes even more than minis.  I just need to do a variety of things now.  After I get all of the bead work finished, maybe I will go back to all minis all the time... I just have way to many different things started and not a lot finished.  I do hope that you will keep tuning in every day.  I just need to finish some of the other things that I have started... Today I plan to finish at least one of these pieces before I do any mini projects.  Wish me luck.

Back to work! See you tomorrow!


Jodi Hippler said...

I can't speak for everyone, but I will speak for those of us who follow and enjoy your blog because you are interesting, minis or not. Not to mention that you are an institution in the mini blog world, a cancer fighting champion, and an invaluable resource for how to's and a reliable daily oasis to take us away from the mundane things in our everyday lives. You just keep sharing what you feel, Casey, and we'll still read with interest!

Caseymini said...

Thanks for the back up, Jodi! I intend to keep going but just not always in the same direction. See you tomorrow.

Unknown said...

I wouldn't want to miss any of your posts minis or not. I admire your creativity and enthusiasm. We all need different ways of expressing ourselves and learning new skills. You've taught me so many things but most of all you've shown me how to have fun. Keep playing!