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Thursday, December 28, 2017

Knit Two, Perle Two...

 I finished cleaning out the knitting supplies last night. 

This afternoon, I started trying to decide what I was going to knit and for whom...

I made the  mistake of looking at my own sock supply... Out of the eight pair that I have... Four have at least one hole in one sock... A couple have two.  The puzzlement is the holes are not in the same place in any of them...

I sat down and started knitting new ones... The nice thing is, the people that I knit socks for in lady's socks are the same size as my own.

I can just keep knitting until I have enough for everybody... Including myself...

So I am on my way to next year's presents and a new wardrobe of socks for myself...
Now all I have to do is keep Kota away from them all!

He took the pile of my good ones and is working out how to sleep on them.
When I got done sorting, I had enough for socks for everyone and some more for me too. Now all I have to do is find time to knit.

I am going away now and knit my little fingers to the bone.

See you tomorrow.


Meredith said...

Hand knit socks are the best present ever, they will be loved.

Wendy Luane Barber said...

I've made myself two pairs of socks and I want to make more. Hand knitted socks just feel better for some reason. I still have to practice the heel. That always gets me. Have fun!