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Thursday, September 21, 2017

I Want One of Those!!!

No. Tessie wasn't talking about Amare's rocks.  He is into rocks and what they are made of right now... He demonstrated how to smash a rock and get tiny fragments to study...
Unfortunately, Tessie wanted one of these... Amare's off the floor bed. It is tall enough so that I can walk under it. There is a ladder at the foot of it, so that he can get up there.

Seth built it for him a few years ago.  It has a lot of room under it so it almost doubles the size of his room...

Now Tessie wants one in her size.
A friend did Amare's name in  wrought iron and it hangs on the side of his bed.

Tessie wants one of those too...
There is a light under the bed so that he can see what he is doing.  It turns the walls in that area kind of a lilac color...

Tessie wants the whole room that color when she gets hers built... Guess who she thinks she is going to get to build it...

OK... I am getting out the graph paper as soon as we get done here.
I had to show you one other thing that is new in their house.

Seth built a new dining room table!!! It is two slabs of walnut put together and finished with the raw edges of the tree! It is amazing!!!

I am taking lessons from Tessie! I want one!!!

I am going now to talk Tessie out of a seven foot high bed... It probably won't work and she will probably want it by yesterday!

Back to work.

See you tomorrow.


Giac said...

Hello Casey,
It is a terrific idea for a bedroom. It looks great and is super functional! I would also say "I want one" Of that gorgeous table!
Big hug

azteclady said...

Amare is such a handsome young man; he's grown so much!

And wow, that's one amazing table. Your family is very talented, Casey, congratulations!