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Monday, September 25, 2017

A Watch, a Room and a Good Book...

I still have a way to go on the watchband.  It is coming right along though.

I haven't done this kind of designing for a while, but it comes back easily.  I am designing as I go.  Bead by bead...
I went into the workroom a while ago and found that it was starting to look messy... Not good.

I started straightening right away. I am now being very conscientious  about straightening these days.
I found this in the mess on the table.  I was going to show you the other day and then I got sidetracked...

I did this a few years back when I was doing a lot of cartonnage.  French cardboard building.  I found a pattern on one of the French sites for a one paged book... That is, the whole book was made out of one piece of paper.

My paper was about 12 by 18.
I got the idea in my head to make a vine that went from page to page and if you followed the vine, it would show you how to get to the next page.  It actually worked.

You fold the paper in 16 sections.  then you cut it as you see here.  down the middle through three sections.  Then you go one to the left and one to the right.  Turn the corner again and cut two sections parallel to the center line that you cut. 

When you are finished, the cover of the book is two boards attached to the bottom two middle sections.  Those are the end pages of the book. 

Mine starts with a blank page attached to the front cover and the back cover is attached to the end of the vine.

If you follow the vine, It will tell you how to get to the next page.  It is really fun to do.  I put bugs, butterflies and creepy crawlers on the vines all the way along to show the way to the end. 

Try it.  It's fun to do.  Maybe you can think of something else that will lead from the beginning to the end.

Anyway, we went to see the new Kingsman movie this morning.  Fun!  Elton John stole the show!

I  am done for the day... I have to start doing socks if I want any to give away for Christmas.

The room is clean again!

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
I love the vines "book" you made. What a fun and beautiful idea. Nice job on the workroom!
Big hug