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Sunday, August 20, 2017

Moving Again...

Right now Zar's He Shed is sitting on the worktable in the bedroom.  I still have to finish the doors on it. 

I also noticed that there is a crack between the roof and the wall on the right hand side that needs to be fixed.

Other than that, it is pretty much finished...
Tessie's is officially finished.  She will probably talk Zar into trading places.  His sits where he can see the TV.  Hers sits next to it... Can't see a thing.

The only thing that she can watch is Kota, taking a nap on the bed...
Kota is not watching anything.  It's nap time.

He knows where to nap.  That spot is right next to me on the bed when I am working on needlework... Exactly a foot from my left hand. 

That is the hand that he knows will reach out and pet him when he needs it.
I moved the craft cottage into the family room.

That makes a lot less furniture in the bedroom.

Since I moved the conservatory to the back porch, I had a hole under the window. Thus the move.

I have been working on the big Rya that I started as a second try. It is coming out pretty good. I might just talk Tessie into putting it in a new potions room.  She is without a place to mix things at present... It won't be long before she is yelling and complaining about no workspace.

I guess that I should think of something to do with the stuff from her old workroom.  Just as soon as I finish cleaning mine.

Back to work.

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
Both sheds are fantastic. Great work my friend.
Big hug