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Monday, August 21, 2017

A Little of Everything...

I went in and started looking in plastic boxes this morning...

I shouldn't have done that. It just reminds me of how far behind I am on doing projects.

I am not getting into makeup... I just bought the kits at after Christmas sales at Walmart a few years ago.  I was thinking that the metal liners of these make up trays would make great cookie sheets, cake pans and other metal goodies.  They will.  If I ever get to it and do it.
One of my good friends back in Illinois and another one here, knew that I would like these gourds and seed pods to make baskets.  It may take a while, but I am going to get them all done one of these days... A little at a time.
 I can put fruit in all of the baskets...  These are also from Walmart. It was back when they had big bunches of flowers, leaves and berries for 89 cents.  I am ready to fill most of the above baskets! The ones in the sacks are stamens for building flowers around.

Someday soon!

 This it the stuff that I took out of Tessie's store to make her sewing hut.  She made me do it, but now I have nowhere to put the hats and other stuff that was in it.

This was stuff that I was saving for a kid's closet... I used the structure for something else...

These are the boxes that I was going through to find the above stuff...

I have not gotten half way through yet. 

Some of them are for full sized things like thimble cases and spirit bags.

In the middle of the search, I stopped and we went to see "The Hitman's Bodyguard." Good movie!  Just not conducive to getting any of my room cleaned... Oh Well.... 
After I get the above boxes cleaned out... These are next.

I am not even going to tell you what the labels say.  Mostly supplies... Thank goodness!  Not boxes where each one represents a room that has not been done yet...

Supplies I can handle... Just not whole rooms that were planned and not even started.

Back to the room.

See you tomorrow.

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