I spent the morning doing garden things. I took all of the plants that I had in the watering trough out of the watering trough.
I am going to put a lot of things like basil, cilantro and other cooking ingredients in it this year. I was time to get things going.
I planted the things that were growing in the trough other places in the garden or in pots.
I trimmed two of the three honeysuckle plants by the wall so that they won't hang over into the neighbor's yard. One more to go. I had to wait until the garbage truck comes to take the old branches away, before I could put any more in the garbage bin.
So, on to other things.
I have ben contemplating doing something Korean. A room box or a small house... So...
I have been collecting Korean art, architecture, accessories, ceramics and clothing.
The screen shots are hard to see, but you can enlarge by clicking on the photos.
In order to get things right in even a room box, it takes a lot of time before I even start...
If you want to do more than look at the home page, you have to be a member of Pinterest.
It is a big timewaster, but a lot of fun. Here's the URL. Walter finally found it.
Anyway, I have lots of minis, ideas for minis and other sections to look at if you can find it.
Back to the searching fun. See you tomorrow.
1 comment:
LOL Yes, Pinterest sucks time away on a massive scale. But there are so many cool things to look at and inspire you. Good for the soul. Fresh herbs are wonderful, even in the winter. Yard looks great.
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