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Friday, March 3, 2017

Closer and Closer!!!

If you can't fine a shelf, hang the frames in question on the wall... It saves about a cubic foot of shelf space!

And besides, this way I can look at them as I pass into the workroom.
The second side is now officially clean and the end bookcase on the third side is also done!

This is always the wall that is hardest to get a good photo of.  The sun coming in the window is too bright.

 The third side is clean up to this point.  The tower with the gardening stuff is not done yet.

I still have a couple of holes to fill on this wall.  Just haven't decided what is going in those spaces yet.
This is the only pile of stuff to still be put away.

Then I have to start on the icky plastic drawers.

By the time that I get those finished, I will probably have to start at the door again... Bah Humbug!

I don't think that it is fair.  The squirrels are stuffing themselves with peanuts, lettuce and apples.  They think that summer is here...

I'm not so sure.  It is still very windy today... I am hoping for a quiet day soon, so that I can get back to planting some stuff in the back yard.

See you tomorrow.

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