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Monday, December 5, 2016

Now For the Fun Part...

Walter and I went out to find a new Christmas tree this morning.  We found one at K Mart that was a great buy.

First we went to Walmart , but they didn't have much displayed so that you could see what you were getting.

While I was there, I picked up another package of Polyform Model Air.  That is the air drying clay that I am using on the roof.  Just thought you might want to see the package, just in case you want to find some for yourself.

When we got home, I started messing with the potpourri.  I knew that the little pine cones would work for the cactus, but not sure what the other things would do.

Whatever this is,  I like the way it paints up.  I used a mixture of dark forest green and sage green.  I mix as I go, so that none of the color stays the same for the whole plant.
This one is a real mystery.  I have no idea what it is and I'm not sure that I have ever seen it in potpourri before.  I does paint up nicely.  Almost an apricot tree?

I still have two more bunches of that.  It is definitely going to get used!
The reason I bought the clay was... The ends of the roof are begging for gargoyles or dragons... Not sure which. I have to get all of the theatre tray brick glued in place.  Then I can fill in the cracks and start sculpting the pieces for the end of the peak...

I still need to do some carving on the center pieces, but I think that they are going to turn out well. We shall see. Maybe the ends will be glued on and some sculpting done by tomorrow.

See you then.


elizabeth s said...

Hi Casey! Those tiny pine cones turned out to be GREAT looking cacti and the twigs with the tiny balls do indeed look like apricots on the stem.
I have seen that paper clay at Walmart but was unsure about it since so many who use paper clay complain about cracks forming as it dries with some brands cracking less than others.
What are your experiences with the Polyform and have you used other brands in the past and if so what differences, if any, have you found?

Caseymini said...

Elizabeth, the Polyform air drying clay isn't paper. It feels just like Sculpey when you are sculpting it. If you store it with a wet paper towel, it will last indefinitely. The stuff that I was using on the roof peak is a couple of years old! It may crack a bit if you don't use it thick enough and it's old, but it definitely is not paper as far as I can see. The only real difference that I can see is one dries out if you leave it out. The other has to be put in the oven. You get better detail with the oven dried clay, but with practice I think that you could get the same result if you are a fast sculptor.

elizabeth s said...

Thanks for the clarification Casey. :D