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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

A Christmas Tree, a Dragon and a Hippopotamus

 I decorated our new tree this morning.  It turned out pretty good.

Now all we have to do is wait for Santa to come down the chimney... Or in our case through the front door or an open window...
While I am waiting, I am working on a dragon to perch on one end of the conservatory.  I am not sure what is going on the other end. 

He doesn't have any arms or wings or even ears yet... Oh and no tail!
 I am having to sculpt him over one of my glue syringes.  It is about the same shape and size of the end post that he is going to have to cover.

At least that lets me sit in a comfortable position and sculpt. 
I got this part done yesterday.  The hind feet need a lot more work. 

Actually, he needs a lot of work all over.  It will take some time.  After sculpting is done, he will need painting. I am liking him so far.
The last thing for today is the Hallmark ornament that Walter got me for an early Christmas present. 

I have been seeing the post office add on TV that is using my favorite Christmas song this year.

I looked it up on line and if you go to You Tube and put in "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas." you can hear and see it.  It first came out in 1953 and I guess it was quite a hit that year.  The girl that sang it made it to the Ed Sullivan show.

I drove my parents mad with it when I was little.

Now I am driving Walter mad with it.  I keep pushing the button on his tummy and singing along. Best ornament that I have had for Christmas in a long time!

Back to sculpting.

See you tomorrow.


Daydreamer said...

Hi Casey! I Really like your dragon! Maybe his "tail" should run across the entire top ridge of the roof and those "points" can be his tail spikes.... whatever those things are called! LOL! The tail could curl up at the other end... like a viking ship hull! (Well, just an idea!) I am sure you will make him look wonderful and scary on the roof! Happy sculpting!

Caseymini said...

Daydreamer, the dragon would have to be the size ov the whole conservatory for that to work! He is just going to have to sit on top and wrap his tail around the top spikes.

Megan Schetsche said...

I love your dragon Casey. I don't think I've seen one of your sculpts before. You are good! Looking forward very much to see how he progresses.

Caseymini said...

Megan, thanks! I did one for the fairy tale castle a long time ago. Thank goodness I can still remember how to do it! G

Phyllisa said...

Hi Casey. Your dragon is great. You're a great sculptor.
I listened to the Hippopotamus song. Catchy.

elizabeth s said...

Major Sculpting Skills going on with the dragon Casey- WOWEEEE! He has a wonderful pose and he'll look Spectacular as well as somewhat intimidating poised on the apex of the conservatory roof!
Tessie will be beside herself with Happiness with her new dragon and I must say- I'm pretty IMPRESSED by him too! :D

HoneyMelone said...

Woooow!!! Awesome dragon - love it!