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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Layers upon Layers...

 OK.  I officially have the base coat on everything now.  Desmond is green and the bricks are stone colored...

 Now I have to make them look like a real dragon and real stones...

This could take a while...
After I get this done, I am going to have to decide what I want to do with the inside of the walls.  I am not sure that I want more stones...

I may just move to wood on the blank end.  I need shelves.  A place to put plant pots, tools and bags of dirt.

And I want to add a potting bench.
While I am trying to decide what to do, I am sitting around curving leaves.

I am using a new mat of a couple of layers of leather.

I couldn't find my stylus, so I am using a crochet hook.  It is working quite well. 

I only have about three or four hundred yet to go.

Wish me luck.  I'm going to need it.

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

HoneyMelone said...

I wish you a lot of luck :D But isn't it also very relaxing? As long as it's not getting toooooo much.