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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

It Takes a While...

I didn't get a lot of mini-ing done today.  I stumbled over stuff in our walk in closet, trying to get to my clothes...

That led me to believe that the closet needed some cleaning.  This happens about twice a year.  At the change of the seasons... We have two here... Hot and cold.  The hot one is about ready to start, so I pulled everything out and piled it on the bed. Then I had to sort and put everything back in. With the exception of clothing, shoes and purses that needed to be disposed of.

I don't do Walter's clothes, but all of the extra blankets, towels and other household things that we don't use every day are on the shelves above his clothes.

I found the very first needlepoint piece that I ever did... I had no idea what I was doing. It just seemed like a fun thing to do at the time.

I went to a store here in town and asked what kind of canvas to use and what thread, needles and frames. 

Actually, I don't think I got as far as the frame.  I bought the canvas, thread and needles.

I went home and designed this pillow.  How hard could it be? 

Well... first of all, you do all of the stitches in the same direction.  If you don't, the stitches going up and down look different than the ones that you stitch across the canvas...

Please note the line between the third row up in the top of the C.  Yup.  The stitches below are done vertically.  The ones above were done crosswise.  There are numerous other mistakes if you study it closely... Please don't.

I actually got better as I went along and in a few years, I was teaching needlepoint at local stores.

Then I got into cross stitch... That's when the miniature rugs started to happen. 

I still do both, but the rugs are winning the war.

There is no point to this story.  I just wanted to show you.  If at first you don't really succeed, do try again and again.  The results do get better. 

I am going to go work on the Russian rug some more now.  I need to finish it.  Then I can go on to finish the sleeves for the remote controls, without a guilty conscience.

Back to stitching. 

See you tomorrow.


Giac said...

Hello Casey,
I think it looks amazing for a first project!
Big hug

Troy said...

thanks for the post - sometimes it's fun to see an old project and see how much we have improved and how our tastes have changed.