I found a bunch of place mats and balsa wood this morning.
That led to playing. I have been wanting to make some fairy doors for trees.
I started with a cardboard base and built a frame, with a door inside. The frame was balsa and the door was bamboo place mats...
It turned out to be very boring and unsatisfactory. Just plain blah...
I am going to have to do a lot to make it fairy like!
I went back in the workroom and found some left over window frames and more balsa.
I decided to give the balsa a try.
I have a whole bag that I got a year or so ago from a friend...
I am off to a good start... It may take a little time to get what is in my head onto the balsa, but I am having fun doing it.
Balsa is so soft, after being used to carving on walnut and cherry. I do think that it will make great rock structures and after I put a finish on them, they will work well attached to a tree.
Anyway, I am having fun now. I will let you know what happens.
See you tomorrow.
Casey, as long as you're having fun, that's the main thing! What a very original concept what you are doing. It already looks like what it is meant to be. I love it and it will look so cute when you put it on a tree. I absolutely love this! Plus, as an added bonus, the wood is soft so you don't have to overexert yourself! I look forward to seeing the end result! I am pleasantly surprised today!
eso es , lo importante es divertirse en todo lo que hagas , estoy deseando ver esa puerta terminada , seguro que es genial
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