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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Silly and Serious...

The silly part is designing jewelry.  I saw some necklaces on Pinterest that were half strung beads and half chain. 

I remembered that I had one of my grandfather's watch chains that has a clasp on either end.  It just fits around my neck comfortably.

I am going to try doing some strings of beads that will fasten to the chain on either end... and make a long necklace that is beads in front and chain in back...

The catch is, they will be interchangeable.

I am thinking that it will work....

I also wondered if I could do something with pendants...

Then I thought that maybe the part with the beads could be dual purpose...
If done right, they could be worn as a bracelet when not on the chain..

OK... I know I am supposed to be working on the Forest Fantasy Cottage.

 I am!

The reason that I got the graph paper out was...

To see if I could design kitchen appliances to match the ones in the bathroom... Stove. Refrigerator. Sink.

This is what I have so far.  I think that I need to do a bit of refining.

Back to the drawing pad.

See you tomorrow.


Lucille said...

Hi Casey! You have a lovely bead collection. They make gorgeous necklaces! I like the designs of the kitchen pieces you drew! You have a huge job ahead of you. It will be worth it, though!

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
The jewelry looks lovely, but I am most excited by the great appliances you are planning.
Big hug,

Meredith said...

I actually did the same thing a few years ago and it worked beautifully. The chain stays but you can change the center part of the necklace.
Have fun,