So... Walter and I thought that we would go to a movie this morning and wait it out.
I know that the squirrels are the only smart creatures around these parts. They don't come out at all in this kind of weather. They have nuts stored in their holes and are safe and warm...
Too bad we aren't all that smart... Oh well. I wanted to see "The Man From Uncle". Maybe it won't be too crowded since sensible people are staying at home with the squirrels.
I dug out the coiled basket making supplies yesterday afternoon.
My friend Jo asked if I want any more of the little Tennessee Spinner gourds since she is going to the gourd festival back where she lives in Illinois.
I had to look and see what I had in the box...These are only the ones that I have started...
I also dug out the little box of copper drops that I got at the gem show a couple of years ago. I want to incorporate them in some of the baskets.
The photo doesn't capture the colors. They are brighter that this. Really pretty.
While I was doing that, Tessie dragged in the OTHER box of gourds. These are the ones that are still raw and uncut... It's just a good thing that they last a long time.
She plopped them down beside the other box and decided that they would make a good ball pit. You know. Like the ones that the kids play in.
I did manage to stop her before she scattered gourds all over the house, but she insisted on sitting in the middle of them... To answer Jo's question... I don't think that I will be needing more gourds this year. If I work hard, maybe next year...
I did a bit of work on a couple of the baskets yesterday. I am going to have to make some larger ones if I want to use the copper drops. They are a little large for the ones that I have started.
Luckily, I have a few larger gourds...
Looking at the drops, I am thinking that they could be interesting in some pieces of leather based, beadwork jewelry... Here we go again... One thing leads to another and another and another....
See you tomorrow.
You will never run out of ideas, Casey! How I wish I could get up at 4:30. I don't know how you do it. This morning, I got up 10:15. I could have gotten up at 7 but I went back to bed just for a few minutes. I should have stayed up. Darn it, sleep is such a waste of time. The only good part is when were just dozing off.
Hello Casey,
Those copper drops are lovely.
Big hug
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