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Sunday, July 12, 2015

We Are Officially in Trouble NOW!!!

I should have been suspicious.  I got ready to leave for Walmart to get supplies... Tessie trailed along behind me, whinging and whining..."Pleeeease Can't I go???  I promise to behave."

Have you ever heard Tessie make a promise like that?  I know I haven't.

I should have thought back to a few days ago when my friend Deb was on the Greenleaf forum, telling everyone about the mini minions at Walmart. 

Of course, as luck would have it, Tessie was reading over my shoulder at the time...

People!  Don't let anyone that you know anywhere Walmart if you don't want to be invaded by little yellow men!

When I got home, I noticed that one of the bags was just a little heavier than it should have been.

She somehow got them through the checkout line without me seeing them... Oops!  I suspect it was when the clerk and I were talking about the horrible price of chicken... Yes.  I checked the receipt.  They were on there!

Anyway.  Whilst unpacking groceries,  I glanced over at the dollhouse on the table in the corner.  There was Tessie and EIGHT MINIONS! 

Granted, they are very cute, but knowing how they operate,  I am already having nightmares in the daytime, just thinking what Tessie will order them to do!

She announced that they can take over the 1/2" Tudor house in the bookcase.  OK, but she gets to do the furnishing!

As I type, she has them lined up on the top of the desk.  She seems to think that she can assign each one an area of the keyboard and teach them to type for her... I am not going to burst her bubble and tell her that they aren't that strong!

At least they will keep her busy for the rest of the day.  Just remember.  Don't blame me.  Deb was the person that found them!  It's all her fault!

See you tomorrow!


Marisa said...

they are so cute, I have the poster of them in my booth and I had the stuffed one too (but someone bought it) now I just have the small 4 inch minons, they get into a lot of leave them all over the store.


KathyB. said...

This is so funny, and cute. Of course there are no minions in my home so I can laugh !

Heather T said...

How cute. We love the minions here at my house. My son is a bit jealous over the dollhouses I am building for my daughter. Maybe I will build him a house for minions. 😀

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
I hope you have really, really good insurance!
Big hug,

mcddiss said...

a mi tambien me encantan esos pequeños seres amarillos , y veo que tu te has hecho con unos cuantos , son muy divertidos

