Some people are never satisfied. No mater what you do...
As soon as we got home, she jumped in the rug case and started rummaging through the pile...
First she found the rug for Daisy's library. Not that it is any of her business... And said in a very rude tone of voice, "You didn't even open this package.... I'm telling Daisy!"
I managed to calm her down somewhat. I showed her the rug for the craft cottage. I did work on that. I got some more of the green done. In fact, I finished that color and started some lighter green that needed doing.
She was somewhat mollified... Just somewhat.
I filled in the rest of the time during treatment putting new things on my Pinterest site.
I still can't seem to get the side bar thing to work, so I will just send you to July fourth.
That's where the address can be found in the body of the entry.
The whole process was much easier than the first time and a lot shorter. I think that it was mostly because I knew what to expect this time.
I have to say that I feel good this morning too! Right now I am not even tired.
My oncologist is very impressed by my progress so far. Doing a happy dance. Me. Not the oncologist.
Back to work on the fireplace and the floors... Now I can paint them all at once.
See you tomorrow.
I'm so glad to hear that your treatment is going well and doing what it is supposed to do. Tessie's just gonna have to be patient - I'm not any better at patience than she is but don't tell her that. ;-)
Just a note. I've been a fan and daily follower of your blog since 2013. Thank-you for all the days you have written.
Dear Casey! I decided to try to get back into reading my blogs and I am shocked at what I have just read on yours. Casey, I am so very sorry! I did not know you were going through something like this. This brings tears to my eyes! I will be praying for your complete recovery. Hang in there, dear Casey!
Lucille and all, thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. I AM going to make it through this with flying colors. It's just going to take a little time.
Doing Happy dance for you also!!!!! Tell Tessie to calm down or the cookies are gone hehe
Lisains, thanks for the idea! Then she will see how annoying she is, times eight!LOL
I'm glad your treatment is going so well! I will continue to keep fingers and toes crossed for you.
I'm not going to show this post to my dolls. I've been using upholstery samples for rugs, and if the little plastic devils found out that rugs could be embroidered with such pretty patterns, I'd be in deep trouble... and knee deep in custom orders!
Be careful - you won't want the trouble (stress) she might cause. lol
Hello Casey,
I am thrilled you are doing well. Keep on fighting! As for Tessie, she really is very rude sometimes. You should let out the minions, give them cookies and have them run after her!
Very rude indeed!
Big hug,
I'm glad that your treatment is going so well, keep dancing.
I cheated putting the link to pinterest on my side bar, I found a picture (on the web, somewhere) and saved it, then I just added it like you would any picture with a link, adding the link to my pinterest boards. I hope that helps.
A Big Mini Hug, Mary
Dear Casey,
So glad you are doing so well. I found your blog about a year ago. You taught me how to make drapes for my first dollhouse project. They turned out amazing, thanks to you! Working on my second house now. Just recently caught up with you through Bloglovin and am keeping up with your posts on a regular basis. Thank you for sharing so much and taking the time to send something out almost every day.
Keeping you in my thoughts,
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