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Saturday, July 4, 2015

Getting There...

But other things get in the way... Like cleaning out the refrigerator and a new iPad!

Now all I have to do is learn all of the quirks of the new iPad.  Zar is helping... Kind of... He points to a button and says, "Poke that one and see what it does."  Big help!
 I decided that some of the minis that haven't been cleaned for a while need it.

Spike's Crypt was closest at hand.  First come. First serve.

The good thing about this one is, it doesn't need a LOT of cleaning.
I do dust and sweep inside, but not a lot.... Hey!  It's in a cemetery!  It's supposed to look unkempt.
I especially like cleaning the outside...  I just don't do anything.  Lots of dust and spider webs are a good thing. 

OK, I do dust the motorcycle... Spike does like to keep that clean..

One down and many more to go.  You may get stuck with seeing old stuff here and there.

I kind of enjoy going back and looking at the old stuff once in a while.  That's when they get cleaned and repaired if they need it.

Back to scrubbing. Bless Cara, she found me... If you want to see the Pinterest site, go here...

I will try to put it in the sidebar by tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.


Marisa said...

It's been a long time since I've done a good cleaning my dust bunnies have their own names now

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
Happy cleaning. I hope you are feeling all better.
Have fun with pinterest.
Big hug,