It took me between three and four hours, yesterday afternoon, to finish what you see in the last two photos. The stonework on the fireplace takes forever, because each block has to be cut precisely and then bent, shaped, trimmed and glued in place.
They have to be pinned to hold them in place until the glue dries...
After taking out the pins, the holes need to be scraped with the head of the pin, so that the hole disappears...
I brought the fireplace in to see how it looked so far. It will be hard to tell, until it is painted, but so far I am happy with it.
Tessie and Zar about to round up the Minions and lock them back in their house. They slow things up considerably... They are absolutely no help when it comes to stone masonry.
The did, however decide that the hole for the bed would make a wonderful home away from home for them...
That was after we explained to them that the fireplace was not a good place to set up camp...
I still have half a fireplace to cover. I guess I should shoo the Minions out and get back to work...
"Tessie! Round up your Minions, give them some cookies and send them home!"
See you tomorrow, with a stoned fireplace.
You know, I think it would be fun to see a "stoned" fireplace...
Glad you are feeling better, Cassie!
pues si , poner los ladrillos es muy laborioso, pero el resultado es tan bueno, que vale la pena , me encanta la forma que le has dado a la chimenea ,
esos pequeños amarillos se meten por cualquier rincon , deberas tener cuidado y contarlos para saber por donde andan
Hello Casey,
It might be a lot of work, but the effect is just beautiful. Keep it up my friend.
Big hug,
N.B. Did you ever think of putting Gravol in the should not harm the minion and might put hem to sleep for a while!
looks great that fireplace!
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