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Thursday, July 16, 2015

A Tight Fit...

OK.  I finished the stonework on the fireplace...

It fits, but will need a bit of trimming at the top.
Of Course, Tessie has been influencing the minions... They now show up after the work is done... Just like Tessie...

I wonder if they can handle a paintbrush?
I do believe that I am going to have to take a short break and make a new cat basket...

This is the tray on the table beside Walter's favorite chair...

Kota has taken to laying in it when anyone sits there... Insurance for getting petted...
If he really relaxes, It all but disappears under him. 

Watch!  If I make him a new cat basket... He will still prefer plopping down on the small ones that he really doesn't fit into...

What is it about him and mini baskets?  I don't understand...

Back to work.

See you tomorrow.


azteclady said...

Some very large cats seem to have issues with their size, and choose small beds/baskets/trays/boxes. Perhaps they hope doing that makes them seem smaller?

Or perhaps the tight fit feels like an embrace to them ;-)

Kota is gorgeous!

elizabeth s said...

Well Done! Your fireplace look Great Casey! I love the different levels and the interesting pattern that you have used to apply the bricks..... just Wonderful! :D

Karin Corbin said...

Fireplace is coming along nicely.

Kota must still have a mental image of himself when he was a smaller sized cat. After all he used to fit nicely on a tray of that size therefore it should still fit since he is still Kota the cat.

mcddiss said...

los gatos son impredecibles , por eso los adoro, Kota esta precioso
esa chimenea es genial , dicen que es muy facil adquirir las malas influencias , y tus minions pasan mucho tiempo con Tessie , era de esperar



Giac said...

Hello Casey,
that fireplace was worth every minute of work. the stone is beautiful and the shape of it is an architectural triumph! I LOVE it!
Big hug,

niela said...

Well done. The fireplace looks amazing i love way how you put stones in pretty patterns. Floor is just fantastic.
I love your blog and now I am following. I willbe very happy if you visit my blog and maybe follow:D

Deni said...

They are so funny my act found an old small basket that belonged to my Mother and squashed herself into it! so cute! I put unfinished projects in it now so no room for cats! lol