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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Close Enough...

 She caught me again...

I went to put the Steampunk Observatory back where it belonged this morning... Big mistake!

Daisy was hiding in the bushes and ambushed me...

This time she grabbed me by the collar and insisted that I draw up plans for the door and window of the library...

To quote her, "It's getting mighty drafty in there!"

So I went and traced around the inside of the door and window.  Whipped out my handy dandy quad rule pad and went to work.

First, the door. She "suggested" stained glass.  Very strongly...

For the window, I vetoed stained glass, because people will want to see in... And out.

Very simple. Easy viewing.
I went back and made sure that the door was going to fit.  It did.

Now all I have to do is hunt down the lead tape and get to work.

Wish me luck.  I can't remember where I saw it last.

A hunting we will go...

See you tomorrow.


Giac said...

Hello Casey,
The drawing are terrific. I can't wait to see them come to life. Did you ever consider wearing a helmet and a bulletproof vest when you walk around your home?
Big hug,

Caseymini said...

Giac, it is very difficult to protect yourself from the little people. They can get through or around just about anything!

Mieke Miniatuur said...

Can't Daisy zip you back in time, so you will know were you've left te lead tape ;-)

Caseymini said...

Mieke, no way! I don't want to end up in Ancient Rome!