And the first two don't count... That was one of my dad's favorite sayings... I am not sure exactly why, but you get one guess...
I started this, this morning...If it works, I will show it to you tomorrow. If it doesn't, who knows what will happen to it..
And yes, it is wicker. So that doesn't count as a guess...
I came in here to write the blog and this is what I saw out the window...
I ask you. Would you want to drink that water if you were a bird. Hudson comes in here and takes a bath often. I am still trying to get a photo of him with his feathers all ruffled... He looks so harmless and cute when he does that...Don't tell him I said so... He is really a fun guy. He loves a bath just as much as the next bird.
As long as I stay in the house, he will stay in the yard.
After the bath, he sits on the fence to dry off.
Unfortunately, as long as he persists, the other birds are long gone... Smart birds...
We have made progress. The curtains are installed and the table is finished.
I fear that Tessie is making herself much too comfortable here...
Somehow, I think that I am going to have problems getting rid of her and Spike when Daisy arrives.
She moved in cookies and cake this morning...They are set for the day. Who needs a balanced diet anyway?
One last clue. The thing in the first photo will go in the living room... If it works...
See you tomorrow.
estoy deseando ver que sale de esa prueba ,seguro que sale algo genial
me encantan las fotos del pajaro, me alegra que puedas disfrutar de tan bonita vista desde tu ventana y gracias por compartirlas
veo que Tessie sigue en su linea, haciendose la dueña de todas las casas, creo que lo que le pasa es que le gusta la novedad , veras que enseguida se cansa y vuelve a mudarse a su propia casa
I am guessing a light or lamp
Mari, as soon as I start a new project, Tessie will move on from this one too.
Katie, not a lamp or light. Sorry.
You are amazing Casey I love coming over to see what your up to!
So many exciting things you do!
and those little people you have helping are hilarious!!! thank you for all the interesting stories, I love them!
Hello Casey,
I am guessing that you are making a wicker chair.
Can't wait to see what it is...and the room looks beautiful.
Big hug,
Giac, you will have to be more specific... VBG
I am guessing an ali baba basket - complete with snake maybe?
Oooh me me me....
My first guess was a little for stool type chair just plop down on...but after looking n thinking a minute i thought about one of those hanging chairs half round type deal?
Probably wrong lol... i guessed twice so i did reverse of first two don't count. Maybe if i leave out the third I'll b right or close. Haha
Can't wait to find out, deff checking back tomorrow morning. :-)
Btw, what's VBG? I'm usually good at that n know it's something obvious but... no clue.
Kris, VBG isVery big grin. Kris, you got it right on the second guess, so technically I don't think it counts. LOL
Jenny, I like your idea, but most all of my mini snakes have homes. I may have to make a new snake...
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