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Monday, August 11, 2014


OK. The ground is dry.  I used a couple of shades of brown and put a green/brown wash over it in spots.

I am leaving some bare spots in the dirt, so I couldn't paint the whole thing green.
At the same time, I decided to fix the windows in the kitchen.  Foam core will do the trick.

I simply cut pieces to fit in the bottom of the windows and glued them in.

Lucille said yesterday, in the comments, "Why doesn't the manufacturer think of these things?"

Of course, a lot of people would do what I was going to do originally.  Put an eating area there.

Anyway, not a problem.
I simply put Model Air over the foam core and extended it into the rest of the stone.  Then I textured it and drew the lines.

I used some railroad foam for the little hill beneath the windows. 

I want the yard to look wild an unkempt.  That works better than any of the grasses that are around.  I left a hole in it for dirt...Real dirt.

I went out into the back yard and scooped up a trowel full of gravel.  I spread on Elmer's white glue.  It is thinner and easier to work with for landscaping. Then I sprinkled the finer dirt over the hole and placed a few larger rocks in the corners.  They would be there.  The rain washed the dirt away from the rocks and then leaked downhill from there.

By the way.  An excellent texturing tool for the stone wall is exactly that.  I grabbed the rock that you see in the bottom left corner and pounced it against the Model Air.  I didn't want to hunt for my stencil brush.

I was in a hurry.  We are going to see "Guardians of the Galaxy" this morning.  So much for minis!

See you tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: I like the kitchen windows. Great ground. Keep in touch

elizabeth s said...

Hi Casey, A very good solution to raising the windows without having to re-cut them. Very clever and the landscape is taking on a very realistic look too!
I'm liking the mood of this little house

mcddiss said...

veo que has solucionado rapidamente el problemilla de las ventanas ,te han quedado estupendas , nadie diria que antes eran mas grandes



Giac said...

Hello Casey,
It is looking better every day. thank you so much for always explaining your methods so clearly!
Big hug,