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Saturday, March 29, 2014


Like rats deserting a sinking ship....Yup.  As soon as I got the Model Air out.  Tessie, Zar and even Spike ran like the wind...

They have had it with building with stone...For that matter, so have I, but I am almost done.

I just now finished the front of the porch...
OK...So I haven't done the side yet, but that's all I have left to do. 

Hopefully, I will finish that today.  Then tomorrow I can paint it and be done with the clay....I think that I had more on me than the house when I finished the front this morning.  Never again. 

I used to use this stuff and enjoy it.  That was before EC...Egg Cartons...

I do have incentive now though.  This morning, I got an e mail from The annual April Fools Day sale is on.  Once a year, they give a 40% discount on the highest priced item in your shopping cart. 

Shop early!  Everything goes fast!

I wasn't an April fool last year, but this year I decided to be foolish.  I ordered the Brimble's Mercantile store kit. 

I have always liked this one, but never did it.  Now's the time.

I am not sure what I am going to do with it, but It will give me something to think about, while I finish Daisy's cottage...

I already have a hat shop, a haberdashery, basket shop, Tessie's Teas, so I have to think of something else. Who knows what?

See you tomorrow.


Phyllisa said...

Hi Casey. I vote for a Ladies Dress Shop. Yes, I am aware you didn't say you were taking a vote or even asking for suggestions.But Zar has a store to shop in. Don't you think Tessie would enjoy a ladies shop? Then she could get new dresses whenever she wanted.You could move the hats over there and redo the Hat Shop.Just make sure to make LOTS of money for her!

12Create said...

I have always liked the look of that shop too. I look forward to hearing what you decide to put in it.

De said...

The stone work looks great, Casey! I love the Brimble's kit. Mine is an old west saloon. I bought a vintage kit on ebay but I would have loved to get a laser cut one. I had to use a lot of extra trim to make mine look good. I'm happy with the result, though. Have fun with yours!

Lené said...

To my great dismay, my EC supplier has switched to clear plastic containers - I have been collecting and storing them so loyally for months! I'm also thinking of getting a Brimbles for April Fools, but the Harrison seems to be jumping up and down shouting "pick me, pick ME" hehehehehe.

Caseymini said...

Lene, I already have a Harrison under my bed. When I do it, it will be my second one. The only thing holding me back is it's size. I can't think of a place to put it after it is finished. Love that house!

Claudia said...

I forgot about that sale! I'll have to do some shopping. I love your stone work - it's amazing.


Lucille said...

I have always loved that kit! Looking forward to seeing you work on it!