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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Simply Soutashe

I am again waiting for the hairspray to dry on the curtains.  Second coat.

I decided to finish the inside walls to fill in the time...I still have a way to go on this one.  So every minute counts.

I cut the panels from illustration board that I bought at Hobby Lobby....I am not impressed.  I like Michael's and Joanne's better.  The finish on those are far superior to this stuff. 

At least it isn't warping.  I painted both sides to prevent that.  Since one side has very little finish on the surface, I was afraid that it would.  The other thing I don't like about this board is, it has a bunch of numbers about half inch high printed on the back side.  Most irritating to try to cover, since they are printed in black.
In this case, I didn't need both sides to show, so it was OK.

Now, about finishing the interior windows without a lot of fuss and bother...

The edges of these windows, with the exception of the sills will not easily be seen...but being a neat freak when it comes to finishing things(in mini, not real life) I wanted them finished along the edges.

The braid that I used is called soutashe and comes in a number of colors.  You can usually get it at fabric stores in the notions dept.. I usually try for white or cream....It will be painted anyway.

The stuff that I am using is from a thrift store bag of goodies that I bought years ago.  It was full of stuff that, at the time, nobody wanted.  Now, I know a few people that collect sewing notions that would kill for the unopened card and the label.  I am one of those, so I probably will never use the unopened one.

Tessie and Zar wandered in and volunteered to hold the braid, whilst I painted....That's not the best way to do it.  I didn't tell them that.  I am on their good side right now.  I filled the chocolate covered graham cracker jar up again this morning.

Normally, I put a puddle of paint on a paper plate.  I grab one end and proceed to pull it through the paint, while holding it down with a paintbrush or a finger....That is much faster than trying to get paint on it with a brush when it is swinging in midair.

I let it dry a bit and then ran a line of glue along the edge of the window with a glue syringe.  Then simply laid down the braid.  I did lay it flat on the table at one point and pressed down on the braid, so that the edge of it would be even with the surface of the board.

The next step will be to install the walls and, later today, the curtains.  There's still a ways to go.  One step at a time.

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

mcddiss said...

me alegro de que esos dos estuviesen de buen humor y te ayudasen , estoy deseando ver esas ventanas

