I painted the whole wall with Ivory Ceramcoat this morning.
This is how the basic finish looked.
Next I started emphasizing the bricks by scoring each line between with my antique crochet hook.
This is the handiest, dandiest tool that I have. I use it for scoring and the other end is a smaller hook that I use when I am doing Viking knit jewelry chain.
It was one of my great grandmother's tools and I imagine she wouldn't approve of the extra ways that I use it. Yes. I do use it for crochet too.
Here you can see the before and after better. The first three panels are done and the last one, on the right is not.
For some reason, this hook leaves a bit of blackish residue in all of the cracks...More emphasis.
Here it is, ready for the next step. It will get several washes of other colors and probably more texture before it is done.
I have to wait for the base coat to dry, before I start making it soggy again....
By the way, even though I was not going to use the inside of the panels for anything but gluing and attaching to the tower, I painted it at the same time as the outside. That reduces warping of the foam core.
Anytime I do anything with foam core, I always paint both sides. It is an old trick that I learned the very first time I worked with foam core.
As you can see, there is little or no warping that way.
The Terrible Two showed up about the time I finished....They are both complaining that they need new clothes...I think it is a conspiracy. They can't stand to see me sit and watch the paint dry....But I still have knitting to do...Maybe I will just ignore them for the day.
I need to go cut the inside walls to size now.
See you tomorrow.
You have encouraged me no end to use foam board I didn't think it would hol dup but I see the way you do it, painting both sides,its absolutely a great medium to use for this sort of building
I love how this tower room is turning out
Deni, please remember that the foam core is simply an overlay on the plexiglas. It isn't structural. I wouldn't do something that tall without " bones".
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