I got the wood cut and part of the cabinet put together before Nellie showed up. She wanted to criticize help. And she did...
She really didn't find a lot to complain about. I made the cabinet taller, by a half a foot in her size...
I ended up using half scale molding for the trim on the frame and filled in the corners with cove.
I made it so that it will fit flat against the wall. The nice thing about this house is it doesn't have any bottom molding around the walls, so it will truly fit against the wall.
I did make the door in three strips, so I braced it on the inside.
I cut a bottom and middle shelf. I know the bottom one is not straight...It's not glued in yet. Only the case itself is glued so far.
I will stain the whole thing before finishing the gluing process.
When I get to the hinges, I will tell you how to do it, without metal... and with if you want to get picky.
Today is Wednesday and there will be a meeting of witches, so I don't think that I will be doing much more. I can't take this with me to the meeting. Stain stinks...
Witches don't like that.
Nellie is in there muttering about a writing slant for her design work...I don't think that she considers the house finished yet....Unfortunately...
See you tomorrow.
I am late in responding to the last three posts. Real life interferred with staying up to date on the blogging front. Yes, the Terrible Three, that might cause a problem.... I think though, once Nellie's house is complete, she'll be happy enough to stay put. Looking forward to the hinges!
me impresiona lo rapido que has montado ese mueble, me encanta como te esta quedando
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