Yesterday I got an e mail, notifying me that, for the third year in a row, I am nominated for's "Best Miniature Blog of the Year" award.
Yes, with Tessie's help, I have won the past two years. Don't tell her, but I couldn't have done it without her!
That's how I knew that she would be out campaigning. I doubt that the campaigning that she is doing will help. At least not where she is doing it. Not to many pedestrians walk down our street.
Yup. She was out on the front sidewalk, with her sign. I grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and brought her inside. It's a bit cold out there to be walking around in bare feet, without a coat. She came, kicking and screaming, "How can I campaign, if I don't carry the sign?"
The rules are, one person, one vote every twenty four hours. This year they have one of those irritating "prove you are a person" thingies to fill out every time you vote. Here's the addy for voting. It's about half way down the page.
I came back in the house and started working on the stone work on the back of the house.I heard Tessie mumbling to Zar in the living room whilst I worked, "I have some stiff competition this year, so I am counting on each and every vote." She really does think that this is all about her. Oh well... Isn't everything?
I made the mistake of standing back to look at the stones...I don't like them shaped like the stairs. I am going to have to go back and break them up and maybe extend them up on the wall.
Last but not least...I designed this rug pattern last night. There are still a few areas that I need to work on, but when I get it done, I will post a larger photo so that you can stitch along, if you wish to do so.
This is the first design I came up with for Zar's living room. I may try a couple more designs. It's a bit bigger than the one in there now. The center will not be white.
This one is a take off from one in an old Peerless Rugs catalog....Probably at least 15 years ago...Did I mention that I save everything? There are other designs in that issue that would also be suitable, but I kind of like this one because it breaks up the severe lines of most of the other stuff in the room. We shall see.
Anyway, Tessie has gone back out on the sidewalk again. I have to go get her. It is going to be windy later today and I wouldn't want her to get carried away...Please go vote, so I don't have to chase her down every day!
See you tomorrow.
I like your rug pattern.
Bye Faby
Hi Casey. Congratulations on your
nomination for Miniature Blog of the Year.......again! I voted for you and I will continue to vote. Best of luck!
Count on my votes, tell Tessie so hopefully she'll be happy about it :) Lovely carpet design btw!
Hi Casey. I like your rug pattern. I would like to get back to miniature needlepoint, but not smaller than 18 mesh.Will this pattern work for that?
Casey, love the rug pattern it would look wonderful in my willow's living room. And tell Tessie like the last two years you have my vote
Phyllisa, you could do it on #18, but it would probably be a room sized rug. The count is 171 by 121. That would measure about 6 1/4" by 9 1/2".
I use #24 congress cloth. Mine will measure 7 1/8" by 5".
You might want to try one of the smaller patterns on #18 unless you want a room sized rug. That last one with the tile pattern that I used in the Clockwork Cottage bathroom would work well.
Tessie says thanks to you both for the votes!
Oops! I should have said thanks to you ALL!
I not only voted I nominated you! I'm sure I was just one of many. This is definitely, hands down, no question about it my favorite mini blog. I will be there every 24 hours to vote. Love the rug btw! I'm starting one of the modern ones you did a couple years ago today. It'll look great in one of the three houses I'm working on right now. Good luck on the competition!
I voted for Tessie (I know what side my bread is buttered on)
Congrats Casey from fellow finalist Jazzi!
Love the rug and,of course,I shall vote you.I would be toomuch afraid of Tessie's wrath if I didn't ;o)
Congrats on the nomination, too! :D
Congrats again Casey! Funny I was just wondering when that time was...and here it is! You guys can count me in every 24hrs for votes! Least this will keep Tessie distracted for a bit and keep her kinda busy and give u a lil breathing Depending on what "trouble" she gets into while "keeping busy"
Good Luck. Grats Again!!!
Congratulations on your nomination, Casey!
Congratulations on your nomination! I have just been to vote for Tessie...
Best wishes, Tee
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