I then came home and baked brownies. Unfortunately I only painted a couple of walls in the Weaver's Workshop while those were baking.
The Wednesday Witches came for the afternoon. I never seem to get minis done when I am they are here. I am too busy talking, eating and generally having a good time. No concentration whatsoever....
Sorry to be so late, but I had to clean up after all of the messy witches after they left. Sometimes we get a bit unruly.
I decided, since I didn't have any new minis to show you, I would show you some closer ups of the "Neal Street East" Oriental shop in Covent Gardens in London.
Actually, the real one is much larger than this...This one is done in one of their bags. I carefully folded and carried several shopping bags home from the trip. Bags are great for making little glimpses of a favorite vacation spot.
The real shop is more like a bazaar or marketplace. There are many wonderful things to see there....It seems to me that someone told me later that the shop had closed. I can't confirm it, but if they did it is a shame.
Most of the things in my version are Asian treasures that I have collected here and there over the years.
Someday I may turn it all into a real room box, but until that time, this is a fun way to store the pieces and show them off at the same time.
The little antique Japanese doll is not really to scale, but as long as Tessie doesn't stand beside her, it's not noticeable.... 
I am not sure what Tessie said to her, but she disappeared. Tessie is now boasting about owning an Oriental shop.....
I am not sure what Tessie said to her, but she disappeared. Tessie is now boasting about owning an Oriental shop.....
By the way, the fancy oriental shelves with the golden dragons on the corners? Plain hand built shelf. Painted with Red Iron Oxide. The golden dragons used to be the outer frame of a mini Japanese lantern. There are six to each lantern. I have enough for two more shelf units.
I am off now to finish cleaning up after those messy witches.
See you tomorrow.
Hi Casey! It's the first time I ever see this little shop! I don't think you've ever show it before. You certainly have a lot of precious little treasures in there! I see Tessie thinks she has just acquired them?!!
What a great idea. I have just been keeping my asian treasures in a box until something comes along. I posted about them a a couple of weeks ago. I love the shelf and the bag, Oh and I love brownies, if you have any extra, send them to Oklahoma!
Troy, If you have any interesting gift bags, it is a great way to do up a small scene. I have instructions on the blog. Very easy with foamcore.I would love to see what you do. In answer to your next question, the brownies don't last long around here. Sorry!
Congretulation!!!!!! I see your best blogger of the year...Wow, you must feel very happy. I love your idea with the giftbag, nice tressures too.
This little shop is a good idea.
Bye Faby
Hi Casey,
I think displaying pieces that way is a great idea. It's a shame to put away such treasures.
Have a wonderfulw eekend,
Very nice display. It's a great idea for people like myself who are only just starting in this hobby as it would allow us to display a few items while we are slowly acquiring more. Thanks for the idea.
These are beautiful! I love this kind of display~
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