For all intents and purposes it is finished.
I put up the curtains, one layer at a time working out from the inner curtain to the draperies and then to the cornice box. I did add a bit of trim to just the edge of the box. Zar ordered not to fussy. So, that's what he got.
The portrait over the fireplace is an old, hand tinted, tintype from about 1860. It seems to be meant for that space. In case you are wondering, the lady is Zar's aunt Eulalia.
He kept the mantle simple. A replica of the Eiffel Tower, his clockwork rifle and I am suspicious that Auntie Eulalia's ashes are in the urn...Hey! She was his favorite aunt!
Zar wanted this cozy corner to meditate and be alone....You will notice that he seems rather animated and talking....Not to himself....
If you look to the right side of the room, you will see why. He purposely only put one wing chair and a small table, not big enough for two in the room....I had an extra wing chair that I did a few years back. I also dug around and found one of my rugs that didn't have a home. These two pieces seemed to go with the room pretty well.
The small table is one that Gary Larson made. It has floated from one place to another for years. I think that it has finally found a suitable home.
It didn't work. As soon as I finished, Tessie plopped down on the front edge, put her feet up and asked,"Where's the other chair?
Zar explained, in no uncertain terms that there was not now, or ever, going to be another chair in the room.
"It's my nook and you are not supposed to be here. Go find your own nook!"
I do wish that he wouldn't have said that...
Tessie, took a closer look around and said, "That's what I need. I need a nook. Mine should be bigger than your nook. I like nooks."
I think that I am going to have to do some brainwashing later today....No more nooks....
There were small screw holes around the edge where the back had been fastened onto the radio.
After I stained the arch, I glued small gear-like copper beads over the holes.
Now that I look at the photo, I think that the back edge needs a coat of varnish to make it more like the wood inside the room.
Back to work now.
Thanks for all of the votes for mini blog of 2012. Tessie says, "Keep them comming!" We appreciate your help!
See you tomorrow.
Cute little nook! I wouldn't mind having one like that! No wonder Tessie is so envious! But, as I've said before, whatever Tessie wants, Tessie gets. I'm curious to see what her little nook will look like!
You have done an outstanding job with this Casey! I love that you found an old "container" and made something beautiful with it!
Zar looks perfectly content there. At least, he WILL, once you find something else for Tessie to do!
I think I should starting thinking about smaller projects. These BIG houses are taking over my world!
You moved really fast on this one! It looks wonderful. Maybe it needs an outdoor space????
Minka, are you trying to get me into more trouble?LOL If I did that, it would just be another thing that Tessie would want!
un endroit typiquement masculin !
Monsieur est bien chez lui ...
It's lovely Casey, poor Zar, I hope he gets rid of Tessie soon, we all need a little space alone occasionally!!!!
I love this scene.
I have a bunch of old radios. If only I can bear breaking them apart. I was just thinking of selling them off.This is such a great idea and beautifully executed as usual.
Voted too! Another year for Tess and Zar and Casey!
Sans, thanks for the votes. It looks like I am going to need every one that I can get this year!
One tip. I didn't tear up an old radio. I got lucky and found the case at a garage sale. It is a reproduction and the insides were gone. I did have to pull out some braces, but that's all. Keep an eye out at second hand stores and rummage sales.
hehe, I see she's still wearing one lovely, stylish apron!
Heather, she still won't admit that she likes it!
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