Before I even got unpacked last night, she had me making the first apron. She explained, "I can't possibly go out in an old apron that has been seen before. I need new!"
OK she had the first one before I went to bed last night...
This morning, she had a great breakfast.....I had leftovers after she and Spike were finished. Thank goodness they don't eat much!

Next she announced that she was going to explore the area outside our front door...."It looks interesting. I have never been swimming before. Maybe I will try it."
That led to a discussion on the merit of taking swimming lessons before jumping into the deep end of the pool...Which, in her case, would be the shallow end....Or possibly the kiddies wading pool, if there is one...
I was not about to let her wander around alone and get into trouble. I went along on the pretext of taking photos of her adventure. We all know how she loves a photo shoot.
First she found the fountain next to the pool....I had to practically tie her up to keep her from jumping in. Not for swimming! She settled on a "Where's Tessie?" kind of picture.

She then found the gate to the real pool. It wasn't quite seven AM. Her reaction to the sign? "I don't have to wait for the stupid gate to open! See? I'm on the inside already!" Then, on second thought, "OK, why didn't you pack me a bathing suit? I can't get the new apron all wet. It might shrink!"
I think that all of that wet stuff scared her a little... On to other things...

She remembered the forest area that was outside the room that we had last time we were here. Off she went. Another "Where's Tessie?" shot.
That new apron is hardly camouflaged. She stuck out like a sore thumb, so I just humored her and followed along.

She found what she was looking for. She calls it a mountain. I call it a lava rock...She climbed it all by herself. She is like a little kid. "Please! I can do it myself!" It took her about ten minutes.

There is a happy ending to the story. She found her favorite tree. She remembered this from last time. I don't know exactly what is inside that hole that you see behind her....It goes a ways back and is very dark. She says that she has friends living there. I have never seen them, but she disappears inside for hours at a time....She informed me, "You can go now. Come back and pick me up after lunch. I expect at least three new aprons when I am finished visiting." Then, "Away with you! Shoo! Scat!"
Hey! I am not going to argue. I get time off for good behavior! Maybe I can whip up three aprons before Walter gets back from golf. Maybe she will want to stay in the tree for the rest of the day....If the friends can stand her that long! Wish me luck.
See you tomorrow.
Were you brave enough to put your hand in that hole?
Nice looking breakfast, Casey! Now, I'll have to make some turkey sausages to go with my scrambled egg. As for our Tessie, she's very brave. And, she knows people in high places. Hope they feed her.
Audra, I am not that silly. No hand in the hole.
Love the tree stub Tessie is standing on- there's a lot of texture there! And the fountain- look at the age of it... the discoloration- It's beautiful!
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