By the time that we got started, she had given up and found her way into the glove box. Walter had a micro fiber dusting cloth in there and she made herself comfortable. I think that she was sleeping, but she won't admit it. We woke her up, getting all of the stuff in the car.

We always seem to hit Cracker Barrel in Marana for breakfast on the way. Tessie slept through the whole thing.

Tessie came out of her shell to enjoy the sunny morning. She kept waving at the truck drivers on the freeway and is now urging Walter to get a CB radio so that she can communicate with them. I don't think that is going to happen... Those days have passed.
We always also seem to hit Arizona Mills shopping mall just about the time it opens. They have a bunch of theaters there and we took a break to see "Cowboys and Aliens". It was a very different western, to say the least. Great fun!

After that we checked into the hotel and Tessie discovered the "microwave" in the closet. We had to talk hard to convince her that she couldn't cook things in it. It was an in room safe.
She is now amusing herself punching buttons and trying combinations. Mind you, the door isn't even closed. If she doesn't stop that infernal clicking, I may try locking her in there. I just heard her groan, "Bored now.....". She is now trying to find something else to play with. This is going to be a long two days. Walter is playing golf tomorrow morning and I get to entertain Tessie....How many aprons can I make in a morning?
Tune in tomorrow and find out.
See you then.
Hi Casey. I'm happy to see you arrived in Scottsdale safely.
Tessie is one spoiled girl!LOL. She got to sit on the dashboard in the car with her dog and enjoy the sunshine. And you will be entertaining her for two days.
I will be checking tomorrow to see how many aprons you can make. More
spoiling of Tessie!
You have a fun life.
I wish for all of you; - Tessie, you and Walter - funny days in Scottsdale.
Tessie and Spike look so sweet sitting on the dusting cloth!
Eu adoro como vc coloca a personagem fazendo parte da sua vida. Parece que ela faz pare da famíla, rsrsrsr, como um apessoa viva.
Parabéns, suas minis são maravilhosas.
Rose Fávero
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