It is pretty easy. The wicker part is made from #18 needlepoint canvas. The seats are balsa with a thin batting for padding and then covered with cotton fabric.
The only other supplies that you need are white glue, a pencil and Exacto knife, and a pair of small, pointy, sharp scissors.
Copy the pattern onto quarter inch graph paper. Cut the two seat forms from quarter inch balsa. Cut a piece of thin batting to the same size and glue together.
Next cut the two half round shapes from the canvas. Unravel some threads from the edge of the excess canvas, long enough to go around the outer edge, across the front pieces and ribs for the back. There are five on the sofa and three on the chair. Cut the canvas backs on the bias, so that the holes will be in a diamond shape, not a square.
Now cover the seats with the fabric, gluing around all of the sides. clip the corners out and slash the curves. There should be no overlaps anywhere. Less thickness that way.
Next make matching pillows by cutting a tiny square of batting and laying it on a piece of fabric a little longer than twice the size of the pillow. Lay the batting on top and put glue around all four edges. Fold the fabric over the batting and pinch together the edges. Let them dry and then trim them square.
Lay the canvas over the pattern and glue strips of thread over the lines on the pattern for the ribs on the back. Wrap the wicker pieces around the seats, even with the floor. Hold for a few minutes until they are dry. Lay the pieces across the front of the seat. Then put thread from the canvas around all of the raw edges.
Fit the pillows into the seats and press them down so that they look like they have some weight.
Put them in a scene. I still need a bit more green foam to put on the trees....Other than that, I am finished for today.
See you tomorrow.
so cool thanks Casey!!
These are so cute! :D
Thanks again.
Oh! Thanks!! is very nice...Hugs
These are pretty. Thanks
That is a great tutorial and pattern Casey!!
I will try it some day for sure... :)
Hugs Jollie
These are adorable, Casey!
Gracias por tan fabuloso tutorial. Lo probaré pues tengo un proyecto de casa a esta escala.
Son preciosos.
Hi Casey. My name is Robert Brown and I build model trains in 3/8th inch scale, equals 1:32 scale. I am interested in your work, you look like an expert. I assume that when you say 1/4 inch scale, it would equal 1:48 scale. Is that correct. I build mainly passenger cars and locomotives in 1:32 and looking for dinnerware for the diner car in 1:32. Do you make any dinnerware, such as dishes, saucers, cups or anything like that? Real nice work Casey. Bob.
Robert, when you work in the smaller scales, it is a matter of fooling the eye. I use a lot of paper, fimo clay, and beads. You have to start "seeing things in that scale". Soon you will be seeing all kinds of everyday things that are useful. Good luck!
Casey, where do you get #18 needlepoint canvas? I do not live near any craft stores other than a small Joannes. I don't need a lot since this is probably the only item I will be using it for.
Wanita Mikulski
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