She managed to get as far as SOAR recipe source I use a lot of recipes from here and have it bookmarked. She evidently got as far as the cookie section... If you ever run out of ideas for things to cook or can't find a recipe, this is the place to look. People upload their favorite recipes to this site. I have yet to find a recipe that didn't turn out well. It is a huge site and pretty amazing!
Anyway, while she was overdosing, I went to the Wednesday Witches meeting and I got half a roof shingled. One by One!
As tiny as this house is, it takes lots of shingles, since they are about 1/8" by 1/4". I resisted counting as I went. If I had, I would probably be doing something else, more sensible, by now.
I had to go out for white paint this morning and when I got back, I started a little side garden on the more modern house.
I painted a sky with two shades of blue and the white that I bought. Then I dabbed two shades of green on top of that, to look like trees in the background.
Then I took some Brodinax brick paper and did a wall for the garden and up the side of the house. Then I put in a floor with egg carton. I have only put a base coat on that so far.
I stopped and put a piece of dried Nandina in the corner and propped it up with a piece of needlepoint canvas wicker. I was thinking that I shared these pieces with you once before, but I can't find the entry. If anybody is interested in them, I will put in the patterns and directions tomorrow. Anybody interested? Or does anybody remember seeing the patterns on the blog anywhere? Some of these days I am going to get organized.....Honest!
See you tomorrow...."Tessie! Drop that cookie NOW!!!
I lover your garden! What are the shingles made from?
I love the little wicker furniture. I would love to have the instructions, I am new to this blogging stuff. If you don't want to put up the instructions on the blog you can send them to me by email
alicia pozzo
Minka, the shingles are one of those oriental calendars made of fine slats of wood. This particular one is almost paper thin and 1/8" wide strips. Just right for 1/4".
Alicia, I will put up the instructions tomorrow so that all that are interested can make the pieces.
You're channeling Mary Poppins, I was channeling the Sound of Music earlier. ;)
The garden looks great, I love your painting. :)
I would imagine a lot would be interested in the tutorial. :)
Yes, Please! Share the chairs! :D
Love the art you did for the garden. Wish I had some of that nadina stuff in my yard. It makes great plants AND trees!
I love the canvas chairs. Shall be very grateful for the instructions. The little scene looks great.
Tessie and I have a sugar addiction in common.
It's very nice and funny your blog. I love it. It's the first time that I visit it. Congratulations!
Your tutorial is perfect. Thanks.
I will chime in to say that I would love the instructions as well. I have a few other pieces in my collection that these chairs would match!! :) Love your blog!
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