The only one that doesn't need work is the one at the top left. That one is sealed and I can't be tempted to borrow things from it.
I will be working on the other three. The top, tiny house now needs two walls. I can't find either of the side walls. It also needs a front porch, doors and I am thinking real shingles for the roof. Right now it has printed paper for shingles. I will probably renovate some of the furniture also.
You have already seen the Tudor and the plain old shadow box house. They are hardly started.
Yes, that is Tessie, playing demo model. She has decided it would be faster to join me, than to fight me on this one. I am determined.
I am going to need loads of furniture for the two wall houses. I am not too worried. Quarter inch is much faster than one inch. You can get away with faking a lot. Not all drawers and doors have to open. I am thinking that the furniture that I already have will help a lot.
Anyway, today is Wednesday and I will probably take something in quarter scale to work on. At least it's easy to carry.
I am leaving Tessie in charge here. She has agreed to "do research" whilst I am gone. She told me just a minute ago....."Turn the computer on and leave me my pogo stick. I will have a list of things to do when you get back...Don't forget to leave out some chips and dip, cookies, and some drinks. Maybe I can get Zar to help."
I hate to say it, but this is sounding much more like a party than research. She did ask me to call before coming home....Clean up call?
See you tomorrow.
Wow. I would REALLY REALLY love to visit you someday! I could have such a good time just looking at your collection of goodies!
I even see a teeny tiny picket fence! Now how cute is that?!!!!
Three houses at once sounds like an enormous undertaking! I can't seem to get ONE finished.
you know how Tessie can be, at lease she gives you some great tips :)
I love seeing all the bits and pieces. WOW, what a stash.
You have such a beautiful collection, Casey! Looking forward to seeing what you do with it. Also, Tessie is very entertaining today! I love Tessie's plans. Wonder what sort of research she will be doing?!! She certainly won't be starving.
Certainly you will have lots of work ... It will be very fun to follow your new journey. ;-) Good luck.
Kathi, who said anything about finishing????LOL You know how I work!
Lucille, I do believe that Tessie will be "researching" cookie recipes...
I am really impressed with your organization of things. I call mine 'organized clutter'. Such great details.
It is funny how you would take things from another house. My quanity of houses is depleting, but I saved as many accessories tht I could. I now glue them down to keep me from taking them to another house, or so my cat does not take off with her favorite piece
Audra, I have double the problem. I have one cat that can open doors and the other one steals things and hides them. I find minis in the strangest places!
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