The first two doors were time consuming, but simple. Pull everything out. Refold. Discard some and then put everything back in an orderly manner. Those two took about 3 hours....Please don't ask how messy they were.
The third one, with the drawers is my mini stash. I pulled all of the drawers out and put them on the bed, where I could spread things out to sort.
Yes, I still have a little more to do. I cheated and stopped in the middle, because I found the floors for the bottom story of the half timber house. OK. I confess. I only cleaned so that I could find the floors.....
You may be wondering what fabric has to do with floors. The floors are going to be slate/stone when I finish. I bought a small piece of fabric, probably 20 years ago and have been saving it for something special.*
Instant floor! I don't have them glued down yet. I am going to do some shading with Prismacolor pencils before I glue them in. Poke the photo to see them close up. the fabric is tiny flagstone patterned.
I had to take a break and show you how it looks so far.
Also, I forgot to show you what April sent home with me for Tessie, Saturday. She found it at "Yikes!", a local toy store and gag gift shop.
Tessie is now the proud owner of her very own Poltergeist TV. The silly thing lights up and makes that sizzle noise that your TV makes when it is out of order and snowy.
She loves it. She claims that she can detect ghosts with it. It will actually show the ghost if there are ever any around....So far, so good....No ghosts, just snow.
Thank goodness that it doesn't stay on more than maybe five seconds at a time. She is driving me crazy going from room to room, turning it on and then declaring, "Hmmmm....No ghosts in here!" She's been around the house at least 10 times in the past hour. I guess that we are in a ghost free zone....
See you tomorrow.
At least she's keeping busy! LOL
And smart idea about the floors! Isn't it funny what we save for years because we know one day we will use it:)
Happy cleaning in a ghost-free zone!! ;D
It's good to see someone else is having the same storage tic as I have, some of my family find it all rubbish and strange.
The fabric with the stones on them looks fantastic!
* marlies
I'm afraid to look under the bed...that's where my mini-stash goodies are. I have two large plastic containers full to bursting.
I'm afraid to look upstairs too..that's where the rest of my goodies are, lol. I guess I'm a mini-goodie hoarder.
That fabric is perfect flooring!!! Good to know y'all are in a ghost free zone as well. Actually thought of Tessie last night as I was going through my own fabric stash. Found some black netting like fabric with little stars stamped into it. All black, even the stars -- but reminded me of her. lol If she could ever find use for it, tell her she has only to let me know. ;)
Oh waht a giggel you give me when I pop in to see what you are up to Tessie
Gjost hunting that might keep her out of your hair for a bit Caseylol
Any good fabric? I got you another surprise. I hope it will be to scale...
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