I stopped work when I found the last of the five dollar houses from the thrift shop.
It is an old one just exactly like Tessie's current cottage. I started wondering if the loom would work in there....Of course I had to stop cleaning and try it.
Here's what it looks like. Zar almost bumps his head on the ceiling and the top of the loom is just a hair from it. I think that, in order to use this, I would have to rip the second floor out to make the space more airy. Then there would be only one room. I am thinking that it might look a bit strange.
I went back to work with good intentions. Then I thought of the Russian cottage. I called Tessie and Zar and had them move the loom into the bottom floor there.
Interesting. I would definitely have to build a larger extension on the left of the photo where the hole is. I don't know that I want to do that. More work. And besides, Goofy Pig seems to think that the warp makes a good trampoline. That can't be good for the fabric!
Back to work. Under the desk, I found another Houseworks room box kit, like the one in which the Colonial Kitchen dwells.
Unfortunately, that one isn't built yet, so I had to have Zar and Tessie move all of the furniture out of the present room box and move the loom into it.
Keep in mind, the door and window can go in different places or can be changed to suit. I don't think that I would put the fireplace in the back either.
This one has the height that I need for the loom and for Zar's head. There are no bouncing pigs here. That is a slight advantage.
Now I am going back to work and let my mind wander some more. Any suggestions?
See you tomorrow.
goodness you are busy with all those houses! what does Tessie think of the looms?
Somewhere back in my blog arepictures from jackson's mill, and one of the houses there had a loom... it was 2 small houses, right next to each other with a walk way inbetween, they tour guide said they could leave the doors open in the summer, and the wind blowing through them helped keep it cool.... I've gotta go find that post for you, Hopefully I've got some pictures somewhere for you, well I know I have them, I just gotta find them:)
Maybe if you were to put it in the cottage, you wouldn't have to rip out the entirety of the second floor. You could take out just half of it and have a loft area. But, I think I like it best in the room box.
My suggestion would be to use the cottage, raise the ceiling as you suggested so that there is plenty of room downstairs and just a few inches of space upstairs and use that space to display items that might have been made on the loom. Place the floor right under the windows upstairs. You can then fill the space with rugs, pillows, placemats, etc. Lots of color, throw in some baskets. Spools and baskets filled with loops and threads that would be used on the loom. It would look wonderful just filled to the brim with things that all represent use of the loom. And then the bottom would be filled with the loom and cabinets filled with more things made off the loom. Ha just a few suggestions LOL! Got carried away didn't I? Hee! Carolyn
Hmm... difficult to decide... all three would be connected with a lot of work and may be the room box is the most work to build up! First I thought the room box would be the best display for the loom, but when I read Carolyn's suggestion I agree with her because of all the space where you can show items belonging to the loom :-)
Hey and what's that with the "A Good Reason" for stop cleaning ;-) I know that too!!!
I think that loom is so beautiful, I too will want to display it in a dedicated space. I mean , like a roombox or the thrift shop house such that everything in that box or house is built around the loom. It will mean a new project :).
That loom is beautiful! You must have a better Walmart then any of our 3. I was looking for those fans and they didn't have them. Nothing cool at ours since they remodled. As usual I have to make sure that I read your blog everyday. It always brings a smile to my face.
When these machines were built they were big, and often filled the rooms, so I would not worry to much if the head room is not as it should be, when we visit old mills here in the UK, often things are very cramped for the workers.
PS how many house do you own?
I like the roombox the best for the height of the ceiling. Think you have to build Tessie her own working space. Probably connect it to her cottage. If she likes it, she will probably spend a lot of time there..That'll give you some more privat time. :)
Marlene, the ceilings were low here too,but I am not going for accuracy on this one. I want people to be able to see the whole loom, thus a higher ceiling. In places like Williamsburg and other larger towns some of the houses had high ceilings, so I am going to cheat a bit.
As for how many houses, not many. Most of my builds are smaller stores and room boxes. My own house is small. Not enough room for large houses. My largest is the fairytale castle. It is 11 rooms. It is atop a 7 foot bookshelf because there is no place else to put it right now.
Thinking of where to put your loom has put me in mind of Tasha's (Tudor) setup- didn't she have a barn that housed all her looms? Tessie needs a barn, anyway, for all her strays she keeps picking up...
Casey....I love your work..very detailed. The loom looks so real you are a true miniaturist. Have a great day.
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