First I unloaded the bag that I brought home from the show. The only other pieces that I bought that were by an actual artist were two crocheted doilies from IGMA Artisan, Laurie Miller Landa. They were both amazing and I don't know which one I like better.
I photographed them with one of Nikki Rowe's gourd bottles for scale. That's Witch and Wizard Miniatures just in case you don't know who she is.
The first one has four fan shapes in the corners and the second one is very similar to one that I started in real life based on a granny square and working out from there.
I forgot to ask what size hook she uses, but the thread is Sulky rayon sewing thread. She was zipping right along on another doily whilst sitting at her table at the show.Pretty cool to watch.
OK. Now that you know that I didn't exactly start cleaning right away, I have an excuse.
I had to keep putting the wicker back in the box. As soon as I would put it in and turn my back to reach for the tape, Tessie would jump in and drag it back out. That went on for the good part of 15 minutes. At one point I had to undo the box to get her out. She had gotten herself tangled in bubble wrap. Good thing I spotted her before I sent the package.
Anyway, when I got back from the post office, Tessie had changed aprons, saying, "I can't wear that one until you make me a new chair like Katie's." And then,"You are going to start that today, aren't you? Aren't you???
I looked her up and down. She had changed into her Halloween apron from last year. She was holding out the other one as if it smelled bad....Maybe it does. She has been wearing it for a month.
As soon as I finish here, I am really going to go clean the workroom. Honest! Tessie is going to help.....Maybe. If she wants a chair like Katie's, she is going to have to help. The materials for wicker are at the bottom of the heap on the floor just inside the door. I do hope that she doesn't change her mind. I need all the help I can get! You did notice that I didn't show you the mess, didn't you? That's how bad it is.
See you tomorrow.
Congratulations to Katie on her big win. Good thing Tessie wasn't a stow away....she may have been a handful for Katie to deal with! Oh and I don't think you should be ashamed of your you really think it's any worse than the rest of us end up with at the end of a project? HA!
First of all: good you found Tessie before sending the parcel ;-) because now seeing her in her halloween apron is so nice!!! And I also think the two crocheted doilies are wonderful. I love all kind of crocheted, stitched and embroidered things! And what's that about the mess, I can imagine, saw some other pictures in your blog and sometimes the same happens to me. But that's mostly so when you are creative, isn't it :-)
Carolyn and Nicole, thanks for the sympathy, but the problem is, it never seems to get totally clean. There is always stuff left for seeding the next mess.LOL
I am amazed by these crocheted doilies, they are so small! I'm glad Tessie didn't get sent off in the package, she probably wouldn't like the ride. I love her Halloween apron.
WOW! Crochet??? So thin!! They are amazing!
And is Tessie really getting a spider web wicker to match her apron??
¡Muy buenas compras! La botella de calabaza de nikki esta ideal. Los tapetes de ganchillo están exquisitamente trabajados. Disfrutalos.
Espero que tu limpieza sea efectiva.
Si quieres te doy un consejo: pon un despertador y solo limpia 1 hora cada dia. Así no te cansas y corres porque se acaba la hora :)
Yo estoy haciendo eso en el rincón de los horrores.
Besos Clara
Tessie is also greatful that I didn't send her to Katie....Katie has cats. For some reason, our two cats are the only ones that she gets along with.
Clara, if only I was that dedicated to cleaning. However, I don't think that one hour a day would do it. By the time I finished the job I would just have to start over again. I would be cleaning forever! LOL
LOL... She coulda come, It would of been like a vacation or something.... And the only kitty that you'd really have to watch is that Otis:)
Good to see her Halloween appron out! I sure do love the material!!
And those tiny crocheted doilies! LOL~ I can't even begin to imagine how hard they are to make:)
.........I can't work when my area is clean:) Can't find anything! hehe.... But then again my mess is starting to take over the living room, so at some point here soon..I really need to clean it up, huh! Wish I was Mary Poopins...Then I could just point and and things would clean themselves!! LOL
LOL- I was just thinking that if Tessie stowed away to Katie's she might not have enough spells for that many cats :) The doilies are so beautiful- I can't imagine working that small! Good luck on the workroom cleanup- seems like they never do stay clean for long :) My hubby says creative minds equal a messy desk (room) ♥
Yo queria decirte de limpieza a fondo. Yo hago dos estantes muy muy bien y despues sólo hay que mantener. Una hora al día sólo sería cómo tu dices un desastre.
No nos libramos de limpiar, a fondo o por encima para mantener. Hay un chiste aqui que se aplica muy bien a esta situación, pero no puedo contar por aquí :))
No tienes la ficha de blogger bien y no sale tu mail.
Besos Clara
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