That lead to a search for my favorite peasant cross stitch pattern books. I have had these three books for over 30 years and they are still going strong.
About the time I got ready to take a photo, Tessie wandered into the room, rubbing her eyes and yawning a lot.
She gave me a bleary eyed glare and growled...."You didn't wake me up. You let me sleep for two whole days!!". She jumped in front of the camera just as I snapped the shot and hissed, "How could you?"
It was easy, but I didn't tell her that. I do want to keep my head on my shoulders....
She read the comment that April made a few days ago. April asked if she could have the Russian cottage. Actually, that was why I was inspired to build it. April and Seth have both spent time in Russia and I have always loved Russian architecture. So it only made sense to go in that direction....However.....Needless to say, this didn't make Tessie happy. I told April that she could have it if she could get it away from Tessie.
I am going to let the two of them have at it and may the best girl win.
Anyway, a couple of days ago Rianne from Holland wrote to me about a site that has scans of all kinds of antique Russian cross stitch pattern books. Thanks Rianne! I am not sure if it would be OK to include that site because it is a personal Picasa site.
Meanwhile, I googled.....Googling can be fun. It even put Tessie in a better mood.
I put "Russian cross stitch patterns" in the little slot and then pushed "images". You have to sort through them and poke thumbnails here and there, but there are a wealth of patterns even there.
If you don't want to do that, here are a couple of blog sites that have lots of patterns to hold you over.
I have listed the first one a couple of times before, but it is always good to have a reminder of what is out there. It is Free Easy Cross Stitch Patterns....And the name goes on and on from there, but the site is a good one.
The other one is new to me. I got it through the Google search. She has some nicely charted Russian designs.
I took some of the images and copied them into my files. Then I printed them out for my own use. You can do the same and you won't even have to contend with Tessie yelling from the top of the tape dispenser, "I want that one!"
Back to work.
See you tomorrow.
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