I went to the computer room closet yesterday and found that not to be true....
See that little gadget that holds the closet pole in place? It is about to give way and if that happens, all of the fabric is going down!
To keep this from happening, this morning I went to Walmart and bought a Plano shelf unit. It says right on the wrapper, "holds up to 300 lbs..
It snapped together with a rubber mallet in about 5 minutes. Unfortunately, it took a lot more time to reorganize the fabric and get it in place.
As I took the canvas shelves out of the closet, everything inside fell out. What fun!!!
This is what the room looked like when I was about half done. It took me an hour or so just to get this far. Everything had to be refolded and sorted. GRRRRRR....
After three hours+, I had it back together. It now has everything by color and hopefully I will be able to put my hands on the fabric that I need in a matter of minutes.....If it is in this closet....Did I mention that there is more fabric in the hall closet and in a chest in the living room? Something has to give!
I am taking a day from minis just to clean out all of it. One down. Two to go.
Mookie, the Inspector General, approves of the first one.
Onwards and upwards. The hall closet is next.
You may be asking yourself, "Where is Tessie?"....Would you believe that she and the mad pig are still sleeping in the new trundle bed. No. I am not going to wake her up! It is soooooo nice and quiet in here this morning. I am going to enjoy it while I can. It won't last.....
See you tomorrow.
Good job you spotted it Casey. I bet it was nice, to have a sort through your material stash, without Tessie shouting in your ear "I want that". LOL
So sorry that happend to you and takes your time to reorganize! But good thing for you to enjoy getting a break from Tessie, although I have to say I would miss her daily appearance :-)
Even if you took one day off from minis I saw the little guitars and violins hanging next the door, look good, maybe sometimes you can show a closer look?
Mookie, the Inspector General is so cute! I love your little picture frames with the musical instruments. Can't remember what they're called. I've never seen anyone with so much fabric! You're one lucky lady. Give Tessie a hug for me.
Nicole, please go here to read about the instruments in question.
Oh dear. Sorry you have to take a off sorting. I'm sure you will be glad when that's done.
I'm still going to try the hanging sweater thingy. My closet rod looks a lot more secure than yours?
I have two larger Plano shelving units in my laundry room. They are LOADED with heavy things and haven't fallen down yet!
Oh boy. Thank goodness you spotted it and averted too much trouble. Besides the troubl of having to rearrange everything!
Good Lord Woman! You got enough material?? LMAO!!! At least it's all nice and neat now:) Just think of all the wonderful things you could make for Zar and Tessie:) hahaha
And I don't blame Tessie for laying in bed all day! She looked so comfy yesterday!
Katie, most of the material that you see there is $1.00 and $2.00 quilting material from Walmart. Most is way to big a print to make minis from. I have been collecting it for at least the last 15 years.....One of these days either April or I will use it for quilts. She comes over to "shop" in my closet all the time. Unfortunately Walmart is trying to phase out their fabric dept. Fortunately I stocked up while it was still available! I'm glad I did! LOL
Oh dear. I can never keep my fabric organized and I don't have a fraction of what you showed. Hope that this new system works out-there's nothing worse than not being able to find a particular fabric that you know you have, SOMEWHERE!
Good that you noticed that before it was too late. It looks like the new one is better and will hold it all securely. I have a large stash, too, but not as much as you have. It's good to get it organized though, isn't it? I'm using some of mine to make little baby quilts for a hospital neonatal intensive care unit near me. I can't resist fabric!
That closet looks quite respectable! I am impressed.
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