As usual, I put off the welcome mat until I have a bunch. Sorry about that. I should keep up.
I am happy to see all of the new faces. Here goes.
Since we got the new Windows 7, for some reason, Blogger won't let me copy and paste urls for other blogs. I am trying to figure out how to fix it. Someone told me before, but I am not having much success. I am very frustrated at present. Debbie, was it you that told me how to fix this last time?
I am going to go ahead and welcome everyone and when I get it fixed I will put them in place. Sorry for the inconvenience.
First there is Lisa of Lisa Johnson-Richards.http://www.lisajohnsonrichards.com/blog/ She has beautiful dolls to see.
Next is Cynthia of Cynthia's Minilife http://cynmini.blogspot.com/ with lots of wonderful minis. You should see what she does with pre made roses!
Unfortunately I don't read Indonesian and the translator is a bit funny, but Boneka( Cloth Dolls)http://makromasy.blogspot.com/ has some neat cloth dolls to look at.
Then there is Merry Jingle of Merry Jingle Crafts. http://merryjingle.blogspot.com/ Lots of fun things to look at.
I have no information about Karin, Cris, Sara Carlson, Sarah Wero,Chris P and Lady Lavendar. that just joined the list. Mystery women?
Then there is Bobbi of The Bead Goes On http://bobbianncook.blogspot.com/ .....Can you guess what she does? Very nice beadwork!
Krin of More-Than-Mini http://morethanmini.blogspot.com/ has lots of different scales to see.
Anthoula of A Life in Miniature http://a-miniature-life.blogspot.com/ had mouthwatering food!
Mary Williams of Mary Williams Dollshouse Dolls http://marywilliamsdollshousedollsblog.blogspot.com/ has wonderful dolls to see.
Welcome to you all and I hope to soon have the url copy and paste fixed. Come on in and sit a spell. Have a cupcake and some tea.
Casey when you make a new post make sure the compose tab on the right hand side is on the top, not the Edit HTML one. xx
Casey, copy and paste wasn't working for me and I disabled the Yahoo Toolbar and could copy and paste again. I read it on a techie site and at least for me, it fixed the problem.
Your new followers are in for a treat!
Hi Casey I am not a "mystery woman" :P I love miniatures. I am from the forum. and I love your blog. I have made a few dolls and worked on some houses. my blog is smariecarlson.blogspot.com
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