Jody over at Mini Leaps and Bounds http://minileapsandbounds.blogspot.com/ tagged me with the challenge that is going around these days. I am to post the fourth photo from the fourth file on my computer and tell a bit about it. Then pass it on to four other bloggers. Somebody out there sure likes the number four!
Anyway, this is the photo. It is of some of my coiled baskets. The one in the center is an ongoing piece that will eventually hang on a wall somewhere. The red one is an openwork experiment and the beige one is just a design that I made up as I coiled.
Now for the four victims.....er, I mean lucky people, that I am choosing to do the same thing.
1. Carolyn at the new and wonderful Fab Shabby Roses http://fabshabbyroses.blogspot.com/
2. Kat from Little Thoughts From an Average Mind http://minikatslittlethoughts.blogspot.com/ 3. Tiffany at Mini Mischief http://minimischief.blogspot.com/
4. Susan at Tabitha Corsica http://tabithacorsica.blogspot.com/
Have fun!
Thanks, Casey! What fun. :)
How cute! what a nice pair of baskets they are. funny thing, the fourth of the fourth... :D
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