Tessie's eyes glazed over and she started crooning "I want that. I want that. I want that!" Actually, she was right on target. She complained that her feet didn't touch the floor in the new armchair that I made her a few days ago. One of the pincushions would solve the problem. Meanwhile, until I finish hers, she has pulled up one of mine and made herself comfortable with a cup of tea to watch. In case you want a tuffet or two, I will show you how to do it.
You can make these pincushion/tuffets in whatever size cap you can find. This one came off of a Nestles water bottle. Plastic seems to work better than metal. You will have to adjust the patterns if you want to make them bigger. It is very easy. The larger circle should be about 3 times the diameter of the cap. The bottom circle should be the diameter of the cap + a half inch extra all around for the fold up part. The edge strip needs to be of a length to fit around the cap with no overlap. I decorated the one that you see in the photo for real life, not mini. I embroidered a pretty big spider on the top and used a herringbone stitch around the edge. For mini, I would use braid instead of the herringbone stitch, although Tessie seems to like the spider.
This is basically all you need in the way of materials. Oh and you do need a cap. The one that I made was a 1" diameter cap, so the large circle is 3" and the bottom circle is 2". The strip is 3' long and 1/2" high. You also need white glue and a needle and thread to match the fabric.
On a side note, when choosing fabrics, use a lightweight cotton or silk. No synthetics please. They don't glue well.
Cut one of each of the circles out of fabric, matching or co-ordinating. Smear a light coat of glue on the strip and stick it to the fabric.

This is what the three pieces should look like. The next thing that you do is wrap the strip around the cap with a bit of glue on the back of the strip to hold in place. I sew the narrow ends together to make sure that it stays in place.
Next you push the puffy part down into the cap and whip stitch it to the upper edge of the strip.
At this point, you decorate it to your taste with braid, embroidery stitches or whatever your heart desires. Bet you can't make just one! I would love to see what you make.
See you tomorrow.
This looks like fun. Maybe after I get the life-size sewing done, I can tackle a few. :-)
This is a pretty sensible idea. I like it!
I made a pincushion similiar to this several years ago.. Only I didn't put fabric on the bottom.. I just did the top circle and edged that.. I did use elastic to make it into a finger pincushion..
I may have to try it this way to use with my miniature house.
Thanks for sharing this.
They really are fun to make. Tina, I saw the ones that only the top was fabric. I decided that I wanted the whole thing covered and just improvised. This is what I came up with.
I forgot to say, Rosanna, I think that they would be pretty with some cross stitch on the top and a matching band around the bottom. Get to work!;-)
This is too cute! And it does make a great little footstool for Tessie! I see one done with a pleated skirt to cover the cap! Hmmmmm. . . Wish I had seen this before I nearly finished my little sewing roombox I am hoping to sell next week. It's what to price these things that is always the kicker.
Mini Leaps and Bounds
Casey thank you for sharing this idea,and how lucky is Tessie to have you!!!
Mind the pins, Tessie! Don't forget you run around with bare feet.
Great Idea Casey. Thanks for sharing the tutorial..x
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