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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A New Award

This morning I awakened to a new award from Eva over at Evilla Prunella's Creations. It is One Lovely Blog Award, and I mean the award itself is lovely. Thank you very much Eva. There were no instructions that I could see, so I will just assume that I am to pass it on to others.

Does anybody know why blogger is suddenly not letting me copy and paste blog addys? I had to type Eva's URL by hand over a disgruntled cat. Needless to say this is a bit difficult. I think that the only way to solve the problem is to give the award to people that I follow. If you go over to the left side, there is a list of latest entries for the blogs that I follow. Please go over there and punch some buttons. Thank you again Eva!

1 comment:

MiniKat said...

Poor Mookie! Having to put up with all that clicking and typing in his bed! ;-)

I hope the issue is resolving itself. It's never fun to have a sick kitty. :-(