She has come in handy for the past few days with Mookie. She adjusts the collar when it slips. She makes sure that he is comfortable when he sleeps......Sometimes his comfort takes precedence over my blogging.
He had taken to sleeping in front of the keyboard. We had a long talk this morning and now he is sleeping behind the keyboard.....Most of the time...... Some of the time.....
I will say this for Tessie, she is very good at giving him his pain meds.
She says that we have to save the little gadgets that the medicine is in so that we can use the parts for minis. I am not exactly sure what she has in mind. I will humor her and save them for the time being.
I am working on another six year old's rug. This one was a kit somewhere along the line. At least the pattern was. I think that it was originally supposed to be done on #18 canvas. I don't do that large, so I transferred it to #22 hardanger and am cross stitching it. I will either use it in the living room or the bed room of the Clockwork cottage. Anyway, it is not far enough along for Tessie to want it. She volunteered to show it, but since it's unfinished, she won't abscond with it.
I am going back to cat sitting now. I can do that and cross stitch at the same time.
See you tomorrow.
Your so sweet to help with Mookie.
I knew all along you had a heart of GOLD.
Casey, Love the new rug.
My 4 year old granddaughter brings everything she can find for me to save to make something out of.. I just put it away until I can think of a use.. Mostly it just becomes the clutter I have to scavenge thru to find what I actually need.
Have a great day.
Awwww poor Mookie, I am not a cat lover (runs....LOL) but he looks so cute asleep like that. I hope he gets better soon.
Debie xxx
Hi Casey, it took m quite a bit of time to read all your past post but I had to keep the pace with Tessie.
The frigde is wonderful and the rugs are so good as everything you do. I have missed you all. Hugs
Fantastic medicine trick!
Mookie looks so peaceful... despite the collar thing. Do you think it's the drugs he's on? When I gave Confetti pain meds for her shoulder they knocked her right out.
It's nice that Tessie helps you with Mookie's medicine. FH do ok with the boys' but we have to remember to close all the doors in the hallway so they can't go hide under a bed. ;-)
At least Tessie is being helpful with Mookie. I hope he's on hte mend really soon. x
How lucky is Mookie that he has a cloth dish!! My cats have used the plastic ones, and it's so funny watching them trying to get into those tight places!! LOL....He looks so peaceful! LOL...At least he doesn't sleep on the keyboard!!! Thank Goddness you have Tessie to help!!
Oh...and my package came today!!! Thanks a million! I will post a blog about it tommorrow! :)
It was so nice to see a picture of Mookie, and I am glad he seems to to be getting used to the collar. It is nice that Tessie helps with his medication as I know how hard that can be. The rugs are beautiful.
Mookie looked so soft, I want to cuddle her, we have 2 cats, thats the best balance. But no Tessie, is that a good or bad thing.
Lucky you to sit and cross stitch, me I'm off to work and it's raining.
Tessie is so lovely and so is Mookie!
You have an award down at Prunella's cove:
Please, pass by and pick it up!
Marlene,Mookie is a boy. He seems to be doing ok, but we are told that he has to be kept away from Widget,the other boy cat, as he would probably try to help clean the wound. They do groom each other a lot, so we are abiding by the rules.
Unfortunately, for right now, with the soft collar turned back for eating and drinking purposes, we have to be with him. That means spending a lot of time in the computer room where we have him stored. Poor me. Walter is going back to work today so I HAVE to play on the computer and do cross stitch a lot today.....Poor, poor me....
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