Now onto more important matters. As you know, the Clockwork Cottage is slowly being built from the ground up. I am doing pretty good for a six year old, but Zar sidetracks me sometimes with his latest ideas for inventions. After all, the stuff inside has to be built at the same time.
Today it was turning an ice box into an electric thing called an Extreme Chiller.......I think he needs to work on the name, but the idea seems good. Now if he can only get it to work.
With my help to carry things and glue cogs where he pointed, he went to work. I also had to drill holes because he can't manage lifting the drill.
We started out by finding an old Chrysnbon Ice Box. I had one in the "waiting room". That's the room in the family room bookcase where I put things that don't really belong anywhere, but generally in a kitchen.
Then I dragged out my tray that contains all of the cogs, wheels and miscellaneous drubs and drabs of leftovers. I think it is about time to clean that out. I even found a fimo hand that I overcooked in there! When I start finding detached body parts, I think that it is time to sort.
Anyway, we found the before mentioned cogs and wheels, a strange little spring, the back of a watch, the top of a dimensional paint bottle, some findings and a mini light bulb.
Zar is getting very good at this new fangled electrical stuff. I don't understand it at all. I just know that the light goes on when you flip a switch.
He decided that a steam powered Extreme Chiller wouldn't be very practical, so he opted for the electrical kind.
Of course Tessie had to have a look at it. Her only comment was "Good going Balthazar! Now I will always have ice for my brew!" I don't think that she was all that impressed that it could keep food from spoiling. She knows what is really important!
See you tomorrow.
This is brilliant! Now, Tessie only need a set of hammer and ice pick (which suits her demeanour) and start hacking the ice everytime she needs some! I totally believe Zar when he says it can work. He only needs a pair of rubber gloves and he won't be electrocuted (I think). He also needs to light up the fridge and how do you stop the water from overflowing and the fridge from exploding thanks to an expanding ice? This is so fascinating..did Da Vinci invent this?
Very nice work, Zar. Do you think you will make yourself an automatic ice cream churner as well? It is getting warmer outside after all. :-)
Casey I know. I'm giving them ideas. But at least this time it's constructive. ;-)
Sans, the light will come. You ruined the surprise! LOL He still has some work to do on the Extreme Chiller. Zar says that the water feed is self leveling and will only put more water in when needed. No, Da Vinci had nothing to do with it. I don't think that Da Vinci did much with electricity. It was all Zar's idea. So far it seems to be working.
And Kat, I am not telling Zar about icecream churns. He has enough wild ideas to keep him going for a while. Did I tell you about the Time Machine he is planning? He picked up on "Doctor Who" one day when I was watching it. Now there is no stopping him.....
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